Learning how to Model stuff (and other stuff)

animation when

Sometime this week :crossed_fingers:

Gonna do skin color and transfer the hair, (thinking about retexturing bracelets and giving him some other accesories after)

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he bald neow :frowning_face:

Holy cold, keep cooking :+1:

I think imma ditch these pauldrons they outta place, on his right arm ill prolly put bracelets and shi

Thanks bro :pray: :pray: :pray:

lordy lordy holy this is good.

man… ppl like you just give me motivation to actually work hard and do something :sob:

Was busy with family for a bit, here’s an updated view
I think instead of faulds imma give him a belt or smth and if i dont find one guess i’ll just use faulds then retexture


Hmm actually i think imma just use faulds bc i dont wanna waste time

Changed my mind again :sob:
Gonna change some stuff with it and might edit the warrior boots texture to have a white trim. may not be able to do that today tho

After this it’s face and warrior boot trims then im done :sob: :crossed_fingers:

Too many crying emojis :sob:

Took a lil food break bc im a fatass, found this texture to be one of my most confusing so i just changed the shade of the grey

Added these basic pauldrons but honestly idk how i feel abt them, they look a bit cardboard ish

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Gonna pose him then after imma conclude for today, (Also removed one basic pauldron to make him look less clunky since it’s just light armor)

Almost done, continuing tomorrow

Basically oc lore
Also i’d like to add that ‘spero’ means hope in latin (at least according to google) and he’s basically the last hope of Winterveil in the sense that he is the only person who could revive Winterveil and restore it, ever since the extermination he hid in abandoned wilderness islands gaining info from Ravenna through sinking their boats with his Ice curse and challenging even General Argos…

He wears the colors of Winterveil and the Colors of his Curse which is why his left gauntlet is grey and blue

(Animation tommorow vorf dw)