Legendary Bounties and Ships /x/ Rival Evolution

Legendary Bounties and Ships /x/ Rival Evolution
effort 4.6 5 quality 4.75 4 reasonability 4.75 4

I understand something like this would be major. So, I’ll keep it simple. I also understand it could already be planned, and if it isn’t, another common Vetex L.

my ambidextrous skeleton key

Honestly, Sailors Lodge was a missed opportunity for a lot of things.

  1. Karjtan boss fight
  2. More pirate related quests

and, an introduction to another legendary pirate. Yeah, we’ve got Ruby Roger, but he doesn’t count. He isn’t legendary, not yet at least.

I find it unlikely there isn’t a single notable pirate in the Bronze Sea, it wouldn’t make any sense. I can think of a scenario where the first Legendary Pirate is mentioned.

The Legionnaires that apprehended Ruby Roger could have also been looking for another pirate, and realizing that Ruby Roger was still a “self proclaimed” pirate, they’ll ask the player to look out for the Legendary Pirate.

We’ll call him Blackbeard since that’s a really cool name and I have no idea what they would be called(it’s probably up to vetex, although again I doubt the man ever looks on forums)

“Hey, before you scram, watch out for this guy. His name’s Blackbeard. He’s been causing trouble around the Bronze Sea for 2 years. We got a lead that he was here, but all we found was this phoney. If you catch sight of em’, I recommend notifying the Bronze Legion. You’ll be 25% of Blackbeard’s current bounty(just 2,000 galleons). You are free to hunt him on your own… but good luck. That bastard’s a master shadow warlock, he’s capable of destroying our fortified ketches’ with a single fell sweep.”

This would most likely be the most low effort way to introduce the player to the new enemy without having to spend time with animating.


There should be a secret in the Sailors Lodge where the players can find a sleeping Blackbeard/Legendary Pirate. The secret will disappear after the player discovers it to prevent people from questioning the logic of the situation.

The players don’t/shouldn’t know what Blackbeard looks like right now, not until the Sea Event occurs.


In the Agora:

“BEWARE! Sightings of the notorious pirate, Blackbeard have been reported in (random island/territory here, the territory system that I made should be in one of my suggestions at the bottom of this one). We discourage bounty hunters from interacting with Blackbeard, however, we can’t stop anyone that’s overly eager. The Grand Navy plans to deal with Blackbeard themselves, however, any heroes willing to help are welcome to assist.”

“BEWARE, MERCHANTS! Blackbeard’s legendary ship, Abyss Eater, has been spotted in the (random territory/region here). We suggest merchant ships to be high on the lookout for the Abyss Eater. It’s all black, with black sails and a black ram. The Grand Navy has been sent after the ship, so rest assured, we should be able to chase this legendary pirate away.”

Places Blackbeard can spawn:

Whispering Caverns
Harvest Island
Shell Island

The ship does not have a set spawn, you’ll have to use the agora and your own navigation to find it. It shouldn’t be so difficult to find, after all, it is a stand out pitch black ship.

I also understand it would be considerably easier to hunt Blackbeard if you have a lot of clans in the server, and they capture all the islands. I do not really care, since the challenge lies in actually beating Blackbeard.


Blackbeard would be a Shadow Warlock. He has 3,500 HP.

Lowest Damaging attack possible: 75 DMG

Highest Damaging attack possible: 575x2 DMG+bleed

He’s strong enough to beat Kai and Merlot at the same time with his DPS, or at least he should be. I don’t feel like making a moveset for him right now, and I doubt people would read it as this suggestion is getting lengthy already as it is.

A telltale sign of Blackbeard being somewhere is if Ravenna and Grand Navy ships are surrounding an area.


This one might be a bit scuffed… but I’ll try my best.

Rival Evolution.

After defeating your Rival 25 times, they will become 3x stronger and stop spawning on islands. Instead, they will spawn in with their own crew and the Rival will have a ship, most likely a ketch.

Now, they are a legendary rival. They can spawn in with 4,000 HP(feedback on this one? could be way too much, especially for sea combat…) at max.

The ship will be labeled like so:


Rivals Mercy: Legendary Rivals will either ignore player ships that attack other than the player rivals ships or sink the player ship that attacks and move on without waiting for the player to board.

Rivals Enlightenment: Rivals will no longer attack ships of the opposite or neutral reputation. However, if you try and ram a rival ship, it will regenerate 50% of the damage done and go into ship combat. That 50% regeneration only occurs once until the ship combat is over.

Rival ships have the power to one shot a boat with their cannons. They aren’t worth the trouble for a player that doesn’t have that NPC as their rival to fight.

On the other hand, if a player that has that NPC as their rival defeats the rival, they will gain 3x as many sealed chests as they would have from a normal fortified ship.

Legendary Rivals can drop higher tier items now, like fair power amulets and arc spheres at a higher chance.

the end ig

im 90% sure my territory system is explained here, if you still dont understand, I can just explain it directly. This is faster because I’m running out of time, it’s 10:23.

hunting for your dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams

i dont think i would like fighting npcs that are even stronger than kai and merlot on water

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it’s supposed to feel similar to how it did in AA, if you have any ideas on how I can make it a bit better, please tell.

Also, the Abyss Eater(my example) would be much large, 2-3x larger than a normal ketch. You would have space to maneuver, but I can still see why this might be problematic.

If you haven’t caught on, I hate imbalanced things. A fight should be fair. Kai having 200 DMG m1s is not fair. Blackbeard would have an actual movestring, that you can fight back against and punish.

I don’t at all think anything in the bronze sea should match Kai and Merlot as they are right now because Kai and Merlot are unreasonably overtuned for absolutely no reason.

Rival ships being able to instakill my 7.5k HP ketch sounds kinda bullshit too, what’s the point in upgrading my ship’s defense if its just gonna get insta’d anyways?

other than that I think this is a good idea.
The more things we get to do with rivals the better.

Then his strength should be equal to Merlot, except he’d be much more balanced to fight.

Thinking about it this could really go well with

as a reason for your Rival to become a better deckhand the more you defeat them.

Oh, that sounds cool to me!

Why the hell can’t we have rival crews/gangs that feels like such a wasted oppertunity.


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Also Rival evolutions sound nice, although it would screw me over. Also maybe their renown gain is buffed by 4-5x so from 2.6k would be like 10k but then again I don’t know.

Yes, they would have buffed renown gain. I’ll probably just leave it up to Vetex to balance it or whatever(if it’s a good enough idea to be added)

one word

but 3 times stroonger may be a bit too much

I always thought that in my headcannon, Karjtan, the old mage and the bounty hunter with the cool sword would give class exclusive quests that give either a magic spell scroll/technique scroll/rare weapon (I want dat sword)

I just assumed naturally that those guys didnt have a quest for em yet cause it was too early. Maybe when nimbus sea is added you can reap the rewards.

Blackbeard shouldn’t spawn in Redwake or Frostmill. Rival evolution is cool, but making them 3x stronger and making their ship stupidly powerful with horrible balancing is, well, really bad. Cannons that an instakill a ship? Are you crazy? Even if you jump on board and kill him, how are you supposed to retrive the sealed chests without a ship? Feels like you didn’t think much of this through.

I think I probably forgot to put some ideas in yesterday

Oh, I remember. It was to discourage other players from attacking the Rival Ship.
2x should be a good enough power multiplier.

I also remember I ran out of time for one last idea:

CHALLENGE: Legendary Rival ships are only so deadly against enemies that are not the player rival counterpart. If a player that has that NPC as their rival approaches the ship, it won’t react, instead, there will be special dialogue.

“I see you, (PLAYER). This power was obtained through countless training. I never stopped training! And now, I’m strong enough to rival you! Come here!”
(when player first arrives on legendary rival ship)

“There you are, (PLAYER)! I’ve been waiting for you to find me… now, let’s continue from where we left off. I’m not the same as I was before, I’ve changed. Here we go!”
(when PLAYER arrives on ship)

Deciding how much HP and damage a legendary NPC should have would be difficult to calculate, but I’d soft cap it at 2,500(HP).

this is sort of annoying in rival farming

If it’s not in there already, if a player that has this NPC as their rival sinks the rival ship which will deal normal damage, they’ll get 2x more sealed chests than they would have if it was a normal ship.

The sealed chest can be gained from defeating the Rival. The crewmates will not attack you until your Rival has been defeated, at that point, sealed chests will spawn and you are free to kill the deckhands.

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