Notorious Notoriety(it's pretty notorious)

Notorious Notoriety(it's pretty notorious)
effort 4.625 8 quality 4.857142857142857 7 reasonability 4.625 8

…Sucks. Let’s admit it, everybody that went villain instantly realized why villain is trash after doing maybe 4 or 3 villainous things.

Why? Because of one system, and it’s name is Notoriety.


(ps: you can skip this part)

Notoriety is a system made to dissuade the player from playing villain. If that sounds wrong to you, maybe that’s because it is, but I guess that’s okay(there should be repercussion’s to breaking the “rules” of the game).

You gain notoriety by doing villainous things while you have a bounty, for example, killing good rep players, sinking navy/merchant ships, etc.

After getting notoriety, every time you join the game a Navy ship or two will be sent your way. Every level of notoriety=more ships sent to you.

EX: Notoriety LVL 1: Two ships.
Notoriety LVL 5: Six ships.

The “quality” of the ships also increases. For example, at Notoriety LVL 1, you’ll get two ships filled with regular navy dudes and one captain, but at level 5, almost six ships filled with captains, regular marines, and majors.

Seems fair to me. Players will swiftly deal with the ships and move on with their day.

But there is a big problem.


Simply put, they don’t actually stop.

Not as in they don’t stop keeping you on their radar, but they don’t STOP attacking you. There have been reports of 20 ships being sent after a player in waves, never ending, or lasting way too long. They act like rabid dogs!

Other reports are the navy having infinite stamina. Meaning, they can swim across the map, JUST to land one or two hits and die.

I think the way to fix this is simple.

  1. Make it so that the navy ships only send ships after you each time you do a criminal action that gives or would have given you more Notoriety
  2. Give NPCs a set amount of stamina depending on their level


1. Lizard Tail

Navy NPCs and ships should have a “detection range”. The range will increase after gaining agro on a villainous player, and if the players ship is fast enough to exit that range, they’ll first call for backup and then stop chasing you.

The “backup” won’t automatically appear, but this will tie into my next idea.

2. On Guard

After shaking off a Navy ship at sea, they’ll send a message to the Silverhold letting navy NPCs and players know that (VILLAINOUS PLAYER) has been spotted in (TERRITORY NAME). Then, if the villainous player participates in some mad villainy, the Silverhold will be quickly notified and ships will be sent to the location that they last heard of the action.

Example: Destroying buildings at Shell Island will notify GN players and NPCs, and they will be sent to the island to investigate. However, they don’t know if you’re actually there, so you can just leave after doing whatever it was you did and they’ll still be clueless.

This way, it still feels as if there are punishments for your actions, but it doesn’t feel as if an endless wave of lifeless husks are after your head and won’t stop, come hell or high water to end your Arcane Odyssey.

3. Intimidation/Waste of man

Depending on how much bounty you have or how many Navy fleets will quit chasing you.
Let me ask you, if you were a Navy General, and your sending about 2~ Fleets of fully armed, fully manned ships after ONE guy and then each time you send them, they either don’t come back, or come back half the man they were before. What would you do?
Continue sending men, wasting resources, or save your resources to send a few stronger men after this enemy.

After surviving and completely annihilating 5 waves of Navy ships, the Navy will stop sending ships after you to prepare to send one or two Superships, filled with Majors and captains only(7 Majors and 4 Captains).

This Supership phase will end after you either die to it/get arrested or defeat it, then it’ll go back to every 5 waves.


  1. JAIL rework

After getting arrested, if you are eligible for execution, instead of having to deal with a 10 minute jail timer, if there isn’t already a criminal in line for execution the game will take you to the execution place(with 1 million+ bounty the execution will be prioritized and you will be taken to Palo Town without wait).

It won’t be an automatic thing, instead, you will placed in a cage on a Navy ship(it’s quality depends on how much bounty you have) and there will be a trip from Silverhold to Palo town.

And listen, if you’ve got objections, let me ask you something.

Every time a high bounty player is put in jail, all that does is attract MORE villains to the Silverhold, causing a prison break, and letting the villain escape, AS WELL AS WASTING MORE MANPOWER ON TRYING TO DEFEND THE WAVES OF VILLAINS(and each of these villains is powerful enough to probably solo Silverhold alone)

So, it would only make sense to prioritize high bounty villains compared to smaller bounty small fries, who wouldn’t cause a big splash with their death.

This way, high bounty players don’t have to worry about a long jail timer, although now they have to worry about the actual execution.

“Infamous(BOUNTY RANK & PLAYER) has been captured! Two Navy (SHIP QUALITY) will escort them to Palo Town as soon as possible!”


“The infamous player NannoProdigy, an infamous Warlord of the Sea has been captured! They have a bounty of 1,201,763, and so they will be executed as fast as possible! Two Navy Ketch’s will escort NannoProdigy to Palo Town.”


This notorious post about notoriety is so notoriously notorious that I am going to give it a super notorious notoriety vote of notorious notoriety notoriousness.


Shorter jail time? Not having the mutant husks known as marines chase you like a recurring nightmare? Instant vote.

The only thing I would change is that the supership phase should be permanent, and slowly scale up with 1 lesser ship each time with the weaker ships compressing into more super ships every now and then. IMO the superships should exist to compress a bunch of weaker ships, making them an actual threat and less laggy at the same time. Also make fully defeating these superships should lower navy influence by a noticable amount so you aren’t forced into endless warfare.

Maybe I’d also soft-cap notoriety at 6 or 7 stars, with the only way to increase it beyond being to farm Kai? We are only level 125 after all. Just so then you don’t build up an enormous ransom to pay to the sponsors.


I have no villain slots and have no idea what it’s like being one, but this sounds pretty cool.

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I love how accurate this is

ok this is actually really fucking cool, the ideia of the navy being actually mindful and inteligent makes them feel more like an actual organization rather than a clan that has little to no impact on the game, i’d totally approve this shit if i had the power to.

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My ass watching as 7 ultimate arts that just happen to be the perfect combination to stunlock me hit me with the force of a bullet train:

Fair and balanced… and also efficient while being low cost!(and less laggy)

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“Bronze Sea Status Report: NannoProdigy has been spotted robbing Merchant Caravel’s in Palo Town. Please send back up.”

“Bronze Sea Status Report: NannoProdigy has been spotted in the (Clan or Faction) territory, pillaging other pirate ships. Please send back up.”

Ravenna territory would be considered near a territory protected by it’s realm.
The same for clan claimed islands.

(this is gravy exclusive)

I’m assuming doing naughty devious things on whitesummit doesn’t trigger anything?

very notorious
but really, that would make things a lot funnier and interesting, and less annoying to deal with, right now there is literally no reason to become a criminal, having to sail half a sea to sell/buy stuff and fix your ship is annoying, and having 300 navy ships chasing you while doing so makes it even frustrating, this would at least remove one of the worse parts of it


Good post. Surprisingly considering who posted it.

What’s that supposed to mean?

Just dont want you to get too cocky

The fuck is your problem?

“Surprisingly considered who posted it” you think I’m some uncreative dumbass that doesn’t know anything? Who are you to do that?

If you’ve got a problem with me or any other things that I’ve done(my writing or art) then say it instead of being passive aggressive.

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Im not being serious, the passive aggresive part was random and sarcastic. No problem with anything you’ve done so far.

I’ve have still yet to play with notority myself, but I’ve heard about the complaints you list.
Whilst some of the suggestions some quite complex and maybe not worth it, i really like the ideas and i can 100% see them as potential features to the game.