Legendary Heroes be like

Isn’t wom a 13+ game, not kindergarten?

bro i never get targeted
wish i were you, make my life more fun

what the heck bro roblox is 10+ so WoM is also 10+

noice u fellow demon like meh

i got solution, be green

The reason My kill count is so low despite being in numerous fights is because I get attacked by Hero wannabes when Im fighting captains and soldiers and run as soon as they despawn or get killed, the others just run away ,and I dont even bother going after them coz I’m too lazy

Is it?!? Like for real?

Not that I don’t like to fight, I just don’t like fighting whenever I’m just saving up money or grinding because it gets annoying having to go in jail because a dude has OP items and stats when I’m on my slots that aren’t really made for good stats. I just PVP on my alt because it has the best items stats and I’m all maxed out.

lmao i had someone attack me when i was half afk on my phone and then tell me to stop when i killed them everytime i saw them


legendary heros be like campers :poggers2:

isn’t that mytholy?

Just leave the game the second a legendary hero joins because they’re terrible people 90% of the time

why would you leave the game? ez kdr :sunglasses:

I don’t understand why people do this shit like the color of your name isn’t an excuse and if you wanna act like a legendary hero act like a HERO not some vigilante going around killing all criminal indiscriminately

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i’m insulted that legendary heroes are scum…

because I AM a legendary hero ;-;

I dont really count myself as one anyway, some people can ask me if they want to fight into an arena. Its a pretty rare case of some people being normal within all matters of their own reputation being high or low regardless.

I’m not a legendary hero though. Tryna get it .-.


The only reason I have legendary hero is because I defeated Minotaur so much and still only get’s 2 chest piece and a single boots

Atleast you got boss drops. I literally grinded all day long to get pants from exiled ._.

well atleast I can still find joy fighting him with only a sword (minotaur)

and yeah, exiled is hard

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