Let me tell you something

It’s a debate between the joyless and depraved, and the rest of us

Sour french toast lovers GTFO…

But can you taste things with over 500grams of adderal?

I’d die before I could

it’s a debate between the normal people that can appreciate taste, and the weirdos that require two kilograms of sugar to taste anything

I’m starting to suspect it’s a white person thing. Do you think sugar is spicy or something?
(I’m white too, there is a way out :pray:)

Racism!!??1 /j


It’s too late, Herodue. I have already enacted mayocide…

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Mayocide :sob: :sob: :sob:

As a white person who exclusively uses cinnamon sugar yeah sugar is spicy

tf? it’s not a “omg I hate this shit” it’s “what the fuck are you even tasting it’s just pounds of sugar”

food tastes good without adding 50 grams to your weight each bite


Does he know

I agree with this, at face value, in every respect except for with coffee unironically

I meant 500

so why the fuck are you dumping sugar and shit on french toast

The real tragedy of French toast is the fact that it has to be associated with the fr*nch. I get they aren’t real and all but the idea of them is just… ew

Scare the sour french toasters off with this one image!!

Does she know

you do that to fucking pancakes, not french toast