Let me tell you something

Most strawberries are mid as fuck but summa them SHEESH man

Anyway I’m on my phone so I can’t edit this but just pretend

Never meant they taste bad, they are in fact sour though

WHY NOT :pouting_cat::pouting_cat::fire::fire::speaking_head::speaking_head::bangbang::bangbang::boom::boom::exclamation:
(Full sentence :boom::boom::speaking_head::bangbang::pouting_cat::pray::exclamation::imp:)

Maple syrup is for every breakfast food. I’d replace the milk in my cereal with it if I wouldn’t get diabetes

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clearly you lot have had Covid-19 with your lack of taste

My axioms have shifted with this single comment. Get out. I’m eating sour french toast now.

Argument ended, hyperbole successful.

jesus, I did not expect this to start on a post like this…


what type of species are the fabled fr*nchies? theyve been credited to the making of french fries and french toast, but ive never really seen one in my life. are they myths of the old? are they dwelling in our world? have you ever seen a fr.nch person? who is a fr.nch person? what is a fr.nch person? how is a fr.nch person? why is a fr.nch person? are you a fr.nch person? am i a fr.nch person? are we all… fr.nch persons?

Well we know that Fr*nch fries were made by Belgians, but where did the toast come from? Was it sent by god himself but misattributed to a fake country?


I think a lot of iconic foods named after the french have nothing to do with them and that says a lot about their country