Let's discuss toggling PvP


That makes more sense too if you think about it
“Random mook gets killed by God” vs “GOD DESTOYER JUST GOT DESTROYED BY GOD”

yeah it makes fights more fair and kinda helps to prevent assholes from annoying freshie players.

also as ANOTHER penalty for consistently hunting low levels, you’ll actually start losing fame as the navy or assassin syndicate will start thinking you’re a coward

it will happen after killing freshies 2 times.

Add arena as a separate place where people can go to find people who want to 1v1
Aa reference real

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That logic makes more sense for the syndicate. I imagine for the Navy you just come off as less impressive.

the navy starts thinking you’re weak / slacking off

The munera garden in question:

Munera Garden is a dogshit arena.

Mount Othrys is 10x better and much more reasonable

-far af away from everything else
-first part is a maze so absolutely NO npc is getting up there
-It’s 3x the size of Ravenna and COMPLETELY empty besides the little awakening pond
-you can place camps there

And unlike munera, nobody is gonna try and gank you at Mount othrys. So you can literally have the entire island to yourself.

Munera is an arena outclassed by a giant rock.
Let that sink in.

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i think you misunderstood
adding a separate place to pvp completely eliminates lag

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