Let's discuss toggling PvP

Pvp is just a huge part of the endgame, there isn’t much you can do to avoid it, and its just part of the experience. Especially with contracts and assassinations giving extra rewards on players, making it encouraged even. Its kinda just something you have to deal with lol

While I do not agree with pvp off being a thing because it doesn’t make sense to me, don’t let one bad experience kick you out of the forum

somebody put a bounty on his head for a rare technique cuz of this post :skull:


That’s kind of funny ngl

crown of ravenna +3k galleons to whoever sends proof of kill

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aight bro I gotchu added him to my KOS rn

Am I on this KOS list too? lol.

I don’t feel like hearing you say ez or whatever because you slammed me when I had 13 FPS

I’ll beat your ass when I get a better PC

…I have never hunted you down…

Of course if its wasn’t random.

i know this is off topic but will we ever get a legendary shield weapon

I can probably think of a weapon but why a shield

I think no… its will be too strong.

throw a big ass plate of metal at someone idk

why is everyone so against a pvp switch in this thread? i’m just wondering cause i don’t really understand what negatives there are

Oh sorry, I read like its already happened, anyway better PC won’t help you, you’d better to pay someone for kill.

There isn’t a downside to ANYTHING you do

You can fish, grind sealed chests, do anything in absolute peace. There is no PVP. Bounty boards will go out of business, and you can just claim islands without any problems because they can’t fight you and you can’t fight them off your island.

A PVP off switch is just so out of place. Hell to the fuckin’ no.

You think you’re better than me? Whatever bruh. Just wait till Vetex adds some form of better optimization and I’ll kick your ass

pretty much just wouldn’t work with how many pvp elements there are in the game and how abusable it would be.