Let's discuss toggling PvP

couldn’t it be possible to just make pvp switching unavailable if you’re in a clan tho

this topic quickly devolved into 3 different storylines

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I’m not against a pvp switch
If they can’t gain items, xp, galleons, join a clan, or complete quests
Also a week cooldown


I was just being playful at first but now I remember why I hate you so much. Shut the fuck up. I am not trying to derail this topic right now.

yea, role-playing game, it’s different from a roleplaying game

what are you on about you added a hyphen and decided it was a different thing

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yea, they just feel different

Please think long and hard about what you just posted

Cool down, your hate is destroying your nerve cells, while I calmly look at how you wish me dead because you do not agree with my opinion.

Idk bro

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“your opinion”
bro just shut your bitch ass up I do not care

Mutually. :smile:

@key @Mortal can you guys kindly stfu (respectfully)

I’ll stfu when that bastard does first.

i don’t know what to think anymore


:popcorn: :hungry:


Don’t see why people are even considering a PVP switch when Vetex can just make no-PVP servers with no bounties or island claiming

yeah that works.