Lettuce rates your drip

Have been contemplating this for awhile
Send me drip
I will not hesitate to pick favorites
Be prepared to be pinched in the face by some iron boxing glove from SpongeBob SquarePants
I will not hold back my insults
And if it is good enough I might turn it into a plushie


i have more of them planned


Interesting wizard characters. They’re a little sus, though.

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HOW ARE THEY SUS?!?? (complete sentence)

Insert lowest quality Akos I could find.

Ignoring the massacre in the background

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He looks huggable.
He looks exactly like a plush toy who’s cold after sitting in room for the entire day while you’re sitting at school mindlessly listening to jibberjabber about savings and crap. I like it.

Let’s see here… all of these neat accessories around you… then this lame ahh shirt and pants to top it all off.

Hey kid. You blow in from stupid town?



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rupin lochester, son of sparda

You look like a grandad trying to cosplay as dwayne johnson with Magma Powers.

Hey kid, you blow in from stupid town.

Blud is just a column of dust at this point.
One sneeze and he’s all gone.

wth are those files you play the same build every time??

irony is that he’s basically the oldest in the (non-canon) group he’s in, at 36.
and a warlock. So it fits.

Holy shit, chiseled armor set from Lore Game!!!

Sorry to be rude but i’m not suited to care here.
I’m trying to be honest here.

Dark Sea Eric drip and Connor drip

Do I enjoy the color red? Yes, absolutely and to a very high extent since it’s my favorite color.
But never mix yellow and purple together, especially with red. Those two do not work well together. C tier outfit.

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