Lettuce rates your drip

but they’re literally complimentary colours


one sec i need to change it back to white hair

Canon Conner moment, thanks for the rating!

Here’s Eric’s main appearance btw, dark sea drip isn’t something he would normally wear but I loved how it looked personally lol

i have 6 mage files, i love casting spells

my baby. my shining star

diane drip

diane drip 2

Oh boy another thread where i can show ppl my kids

my character drip outclasses everyone here let me pull it up

Pretty drippin’ if not for that mustache. For some reason the facial hair doesn’t tend to work in my mind, but there have been times where it does.

Edit: scratch the remarks about the mustache, this is outstandingly good.

You are trying to be the main villain of a children’s cartoon. Screw you, I wanted to watch bluey.

Bug off, I already turned mei into a plushie.
Okay, I will be honest here but I like Caroline’s drip the most. The others I’ve just been exposed to either from being cute goobers, a main file, or both.

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Rare Caroline W

Screenshot 2023-12-17 210137
Screenshot 2023-12-17 210234
i hate it man :sob:

“ARSON AXE!!!” (complete sentence)

Fire Magic is based
You hair looks like Cookies and cream flavor though

number four’s done now


The evil one of the bunch! PAN!

Also here’s Kristen doing some treasure charts:

The Emperor and his right hand men

(Zion here I’m still experimenting with.)

Those reds are extremely hard and I love them
Too bad it’s the same color as the imposter
We should vote them out fr

Plushie toy Kirsten as always. Very cute character.

The first two give me castle crashers vibes for some reason

As for Zion that’s cool drip but he loses points for being edgy and having shadow magic


soon to be the evil 3 once i finish my other 2 files

Perfectly balanced as all things should be