Lettuce rates your drip

All my files do

Please soak your entire body in water for about one day.
Dirt gathering was a massive mistake.

i am seaweed (rate the name too according to build)

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i know that we don’t have the backstory of our mc bc we have amnesia but ur character was definitely a sewer rat before being tortured

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i told you they are seaweed with magic pollution giving them a body and mind, they had wind magic do dry themselves and named themself shin shield as that is what they will protect when they send you to pelion rift

You all see any diffrence?

Your shins are very much not shielded

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Please rate this, its a drip for an upcoming OC (not final)

Also this, its my rival

I’m going to be honest, neither look great but the rival looks eons better.

Everything looks so strange on your character, I feel like nothing matches each other.

Why is small so tall?

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Even if the outfit doesn’t match, you gotta give him props for the Iron Leg Atlantean Spear. That’s a really cool weapon.


ugly smile

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I stole the design from the Skull Scorcerer from Ninjago

i dont see the hype around the newer ninjago seasons now rn :pensive: only followed up to like season 6 a few years back

That season is a long time ago

I quit after Season 7 because I absolutely hated Season 8 for the redesigns and for making Kai useless

I dont care what people say S7 is my favorite season and i will defend it with my life

Winterveil Mage now disguised as Regular sailor so that he doesn’t being target by Ravenna, anyway he is Ice water mage and guns are just vanity

White hair + any sort of beard or stubble = old man. Rule of the road. Hit you like a pea to the face.

Regardless not the greatest nor the worst of drips. Not a fan of the shirt, and the guy just looks old instead of a winterveil mage.

Ancient Winterveil evil glass user that tried to take over the world

Not final

reminds me of a stereotypical aa man somehow