Lettuce rates your drip

neviro is a young man bruh :sob:

oh yeah some other files

may have shown the second one before

Looks misgendered.

Looks misgendered.

Looks misgendered.

whats that supposed to mean?

they look like boys when their names are for girls.


I cannot tell what gender all 3 of these characters are supposed to be

new version

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version without the massive explosion lol

ohhhh. the names were because Hana means flower in JP, sakura means cherry blossom, and flora was the closest thing to flower but they are boys

Definitely looks better, but I can hardly see the stubble.
Looks Misgendered.

Looking at this made me think that someone could try making a robot character using SW’s leggings and chest. Looks like a robot, really cool vibes.

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i was thinking of a haunted armor idea where it’s just full titanium armor then a headless, and this reminded me of that

ok nah this is peak


You’ve rated Benjamin and Simon already, so I’ll post my deckhands (probably but not necessarily finished). They all have really weird names.

My Navigator is this loyal samurai guy. I still haven’t figured out what their gender is.

My Shipbuilder doesn’t actually do any of the building himself. He’s a wealthy businessman who embezzles funds and evades taxes so that we can pay for repairs.

My Cannoneer is a bounty hunter or an engineer (nobody is really sure, with the way she talks it could be either one), she likes firing stuff.

My Enchanter is just a cultist. A blatant cultist who wants to indoctrinate the other crew members’ kids. He’s got a nice sense of humor though, so we keep him around.

None of these guys are canon to Benjamin and Simon’s story, mostly because I am NOT going to manage a cast of 6 main characters :skull_and_crossbones: I’d probably die of overwhelment

Cool natural color contrast between skin and clothing. I like it.

The beard looks ugly and black isn’t necessarily the nicest color to pair with yellow but I like the headcanon you have for him

She looks like a divorced parent. Although, she uses red!

I love the headcanon here too. The mask does look kind of silly, though.

McLeod and Pate are like brothers. McLeod keeps trying to convince Pate to join his cult, and Pate keeps trying to convince McLeod to join his pyramid scheme.

York is probably the most distant of all the deckhands because she hates being talked to while she’s working (which is all the time). She spends all day checking the cannons and howitzer, re-checking them over and over, performing maintenance, recalibrating the swivel guns, etc.

Whitaker is very close with Enzior and Edward Kenton. Whitaker wants to make friends with the other deckhands too, and they’ve tried, but it never works out because Whitaker is the only one of them who isn’t crazy and eccentric. The rest don’t like that.

I need to stop making head-canons for these guys before I get tempted to canonize them and promptly ruin my writing career :skull:
Maybe a side-series…
