Lettuce rates your drip

thermolord vibes

other version


how do you have any fun

i’m planning ahead for lost and ancient magics

bro how you have fun??

by thinking of how cool it’ll be to have a pressure, gravity, ice mage, a life, healing, snow mage, and a death, wave, water mage, + my other 3 mages

plus this lets me see the charging animations for ice, snow, and water instead of only ice if i just made one file, i get to see each magic at its strongest

mages are boring tbh idk why people like them so much

first is better. Even then, not by very much. Never liked faulds/argos leggings but the rest is quite solid.

Yeah I might switch the boots but I do like the faulds

ignore the name I was out of ideas

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i just love casting spells

Hodgepodge. no more, no less.

FR they’re overrated and overused and not fun

could be worse

whoops :grimacing:


i’m actually a steamer smh get your kitchen appliances right

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(10/10 drip image here)

Wow. That drip is the drippiest drip I have ever seen. Not only is it drippy, like the drip of the gods, but it is also so drippy that all the mortal drip cannot compare. I applaud you, drip lord.

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The Starry Knight