Lettuce rates your drip

wait I saw you before you were the person with like a badge for cooking right?!?!?

it was like the first person in the world to reach 4 mil or smth right?

or was that someone else

Good use of dark bronze is real
Unfortunately the scarf kinda sticks out too much to me but this is pretty good

first person to reach 2 million cooking exp iirc

SO IT WAS HIM (complete sentence)

you should be getting credit for this is this not one of the most used features of the game?

(just saw it btw)

I’m pretty sure in every game vetex makes there is always gonna be a compass.

or just a compass for AO in general becausesea-based game you know yade yade ya who gives a fuck!!

Hello Lettuce


Might post the redesigns and my pther characters when I get on pc. Have fun insulting these for now :fr:

Your 2nd character name should be Caroline Scott(Edward kenway’s wife)

First file, Navy Commodore on top and Post-Navy on bottom

Second file, funni masked man

Third file, soon to be deleted and replaced

changed my drip a bit literally right after my first post here but idk if its an improvement or not

you should take the picture somewhere with more contrast

any suggestions?

I meant like the wood is making ur chestpiece look gross thats just my opinion that you can do it on stone or smth darker like grass

i’ll do that later ig

five finished

1st character has super nice black/white color contrast, i like that a whole lot
Ray looks like a character from ninjago if i’d be brutally honest
3rd character is also pretty cool, i don’t have much to say here

Navy file looks like another divorced father
2nd file looks edgy and the warrior jacket looks odd
3rd guy is the best of them, but the ravenna noble armor is also goofy

Looking better, maybe try a beige tricorn hat?

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hi lettuce

guess i only look good in posters lol


The third file got deleted last night :skull:

The same drip I post in every drip rating post
RobloxScreenShot20230318_121109374 (2)

1.14 version