Lettuce rates your drip

sir/ma’am Dragomir’s broke :sob:

I’m trying a magic size amulet now so the colors match better, i dont mind the clipping with it cause it still looks decently natural with it



also the second one is master wu

without the boots since they look bad:

I just realized I have 2 accounts what


uh oh

Pretty good but minus points for just using the sorcerer outfit
and yeah the tanning makes you look like a freaking hot dog
Vetex why did you add this feature

  1. Is just the abominable snowman from monster’s Inc.
  2. Looks like a mess of icecream your child makes when they have like five flavors to pick
  3. looks like they’d get cold easily ngl
  4. Is the only decent one here

That hair is ridiculous, but otherwise this is super solid drip.

reminds me of a friend’s WoM file. Honestly a pretty good looking file though.

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no rating mine lol?

Getting overkill now.

dang I had thought the hair looked really nice but alright

holy shit, is that a rock-

this better (for the ice guy)

Where the heck did you get that starfish??

Someone take this man to the asylum

I love the first one


shrimple drip

atlantean drops