Level wipe

Personally I sure as hell won’t skip those. It makes no sense to. They may be easier but eventually everyone else will be max level so what does it matter?

So you’re saying to force something 99% of people don’t want instead of making it optional?

99% is a bit much buddy although I do agree with you


And this is why roblox is dying. Mindsets like this.

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mimhere i honestly think that the only way to satisfy everybody is to actually have an optional level reset, if it exists, nobody will whine about losing their levels and nobody will whine about not losing their levels

level wipe?

We need everything wipe

If anyone does, tuff



Fuck you

we need guilds wiped
we need items wiped
levels wiped
storyline wiped

people will whine about the storyline being too short when they complete it in 20 minutes, nobody gonna remember any of the important characters at the beginning of the story if they completey obliterate them and don’t have to work for anything

I was using Mimhere’s words

Probs closer to 95%

I am going to drain your guild like a pencil sharpener.

I don’t have a guild

DNC. I’m killing you for fun then

People hate Xenoblade 2 because of it’s horrible tutorial. In addition to it’s slow start. The beginning is more important than the end in my opinion as it sets everything up.

this will really fuck up our movesets. and besides, didnt vetex said that nothing would be wiped except for a few items?

Blooooooooooooody hell have you seen how long vetex has been working on this shit? you think the story will be short? Your the kind of guy who doesn’t play post game content it seems like

uh huh? bet