Level wipe

For level 10s.

Ah alright. I really do hope its on par or faster or a little slower. Would suck to level up 8 files back to max if each took like 4 hours



Any shop owner

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And every rich person in wom too


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A level 20 boss

For a level 10.

A level 20 blast has 200 hp

If you consider that a level 10 boss you need help

How about no?

A level 20 blast does 200 my fucking ASS

Tell that to vetex and then just not play his game?

I mean that’s the only sane opinion.
There is nothing important to be gained by wiping the inventory, and I’d say the same goes for levels.

meh even if you keep your max levels it’s not gonna do anything but make it boring.

though it doesn’t change anything in the endgame

Levels has reason. It’s easy to do the storyline as a level 90 and wouldn’t hurt too much to say hey this is new go redo it at a low level

You can always make a new character.
What is the difference between a person who has already played the game making a new character and that same person, still having already played the game, being forced to make the new character?

the difference in the context of this suggestion is that ya keep your inventory.

imagine going through the AA storyline as a level 100. bosses like Marua, Ramses, and Verdies wouldn’t even be close to being as memorable and iconic as they are today


It’s a game that continuously updates. It’s not like its at its final stage yet.
I treat that dilemma the same way I’d treat the dilemma of having nothing to do if an update that doesn’t update levels drops.

Anyway, Why would you want to be lvl 90 only gaining 100 xp for every quest?

you wake up on a random island with an op magic sword
(that you cant use lmao)


that you cant use lmao
