Level wipe

Just remember, every stage of the game is important. You can’t just say hey blast through thie first part because it’s ass. You want every part to be memorable and a challenge for everyone, including the early stages.

It wouldn’t make sens to wipe inventory anyway. How will vetex give us compensation if he removes all of our boss drops with inventory wipe


Oh yeah you’re right, just remembered that AO is now using a more linear storyline. That makes sense.

If it was a more open world with less story then sure, but yea

It’s as inferno says, it’s no fun playing a game and just racing through it


Instead of this being forced on to someone, it should instead be like with the magic changes where there would be a prompt asking if you would like to reset only your levels (which would de-equip any items that aren’t able to be worn at level 1). Best of both worlds!

Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree this would allow for someone like me to start over with a fresh new feeling and game to play on a character that has memories attached to it.

You simply can’t have both of best worlds. A level resets BIGGEST reason is so people experience the story properly. People wouldn’t experience it properly if you could one shot everything

I completely agree that being over leveled would ruin the games experience at the beginning.

Having a choice in resetting levels just makes it feel better, I suppose.


There isn’t a way you can do a choice here and things would work out. Either you do it or you don’t. That’s like Vetex saying you can choose if you wanna be a tester for his game or not

if its an option, a lot of players aren’t going to think about how fucked the progression will be with a level 90 character at the start, and just pick “i wanna keep my data”

then explain it to them through a description or something

Oh jesus here we go again

Personally I wouldn’t mind a level reset, I mean, getting them back isn’t that difficult anyways.

Not against having the option to choose to keep your levels, but at the very least you need a way to reset your levels only

…But yeah, resetting everyone’s levels would just be simpler


Just make it optional that should be fine

Out of sight, out of mind

ok but who are you

I am Figure