
effort 4.666666666666667 9 quality 4.909090909090909 11 reasonability 4.866666666666666 15

Have you ever traveled in the Bronze Sea at night, looking for that unlucky Sailor’s Logde, with 0 compass reading skills? Exactly. My idea can solve this problem. Lighthouses could be found on almost all major islands, in different shapes and sizes, and random dialogue/lore NPC’s inside. These buildings’ lights could activate at night.

My ideas for lighthouses:

-Redwake: N/A (it wouldn’t be seen anyways)

-Frostmill: A pine wooden tower next to the docks, emitting a glow visible from 300m.

-Palo Town: A white brick building with a gravy flag on top of it, the light could be seen from 400m.

-Shell Island: A big wooden pole with a big fireplace on top of it (like those in Elysium in size) on top of it. Probably seen from 400m, but not all directions (cuz monoah isn’t very high up).

-Sailor’s Lodge: Seen from 500m, it can be placed on the biggest rooftop of SL. Made out of wood, like the rest of the building.

-Rubica: The brightest light of the Bronze sea, visible from 600m, it can be a very tall brick tower on top of Mount Caesar, basically.

-Cirrus Island (?): A wooden lighthouse emitting a weak light visible from 250m only, useful for lvl 50’s I guess.

That’s it. In my opinion this would be a fitting feature that could compromise the loss of our beloved camera bug, and help in navigation overall.

Until next time.


I feel like the lighthouse for Sailors Lounge should be like next to it rather than on it.

I know we can see our arrow going to the main islands when viewing the map, but for a game that prides itself on its maritime exploration, they have forgotten lighthouses.


Don’t know why this isn’t a thing already, to be honest. For a sea with so much damn fog all the time, you’d think the inhabitants would have ways for sailors to find the island they want.

Lighthouses just make sense to be in a sailing game too, and its not like itd conflict with the lore somehow, given they have technology like guns. Maybe they could be powered by magic if its a modern style lighthouse?

magical map technology

idea to also be able to build light houses on our islands

Lighthouses would definitely be cool. Maybe don’t have as many as you suggested, but palo town, sailor’s lodge and ravenna should definitely have them.

yeah pine seems relatively like wild island to me, doesnt really have any reason to have a lighthouse on it

Seems like an interesting addition to help newer players find islands


No complaints. I can’t see any reason not to add this.

Good idea with the magic lighthouses part.

i dont think you can make light in games show from a specific distance cause roblox hard caps it iirc but cool idea

oh yeah why isn’t this a thing

dark sea haunted lighthouses when

Dark Sea light houses have 100% chance of having legendary beast atlantean inside

will always be warden class to represent a lighthouse warden

cuz vitecks didn’t think of this cool ting

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How the actual fuck is Enzior’s tower NOT a lighthouse

How did WoM, a primarily LAND BASED game, have one, but not AO, which is LITERALLY ALMOST ENTIRELY ON SEA.

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This is a pretty good idea and it would help a lot at night when the visibility is nonexistent