“That is not just dumb and gay
That is dumb and trans”

  • Ben Sharpie

or use savant and get both??? just sayingggg

One of us. One of us. One of us.

wait so is the lifesteal idea actually happening?

hey look, i just like the visuals and the loud-ass “boom” sound effect it makes me feel cool (even though i’m using an annoying stun build by literal accident.)

(not even joking i just thought "lightning = cool visuals + Sailor Fist = drunk hahahahaha and it worked out)

in turn better AoE though, so it works similarly to Warlord without the Strength Weapons.

essentially just use Warlord instead of Lightning Conjurer or Knight.

Savant Propaganda :grin: may your day be holy Savant-y


(also totally unrelated can we get Astolfo’s multi-sector sword in the game that acts like a chain/whip it’s so cool)

Vetex is NOT coding an entire new weapon type for a femboy :sob:

no it’d be a sword, something like the Sunken Sword where it just has one new skill. it could act like Snare yk

The warseas shall fear the power of the spirit thermo imbued colossal cleave and I will make sure they do when it arrives

me leaping off my ship and sending a Sailor-imbued Spirit-imbued Size Colossal Cleave at any other ships

Not enough savant doomers tbh, it’s gonna become the new thermo fist where they just gut it 5 times in a row even when it already sucks.

Balance changes
“Savant imbue multipliers
0.025% efficiency → 0.0025% efficiency”

well that’s not stopping me from using it

and anyway 2nd awakenings aren’t gonna be a thing for like another several millennia so we don’t have much to worry about

(the only “nerf” I see savants getting is losing out on a stat they didn’t spec on, but I think that’s perfectly fair and healthy and encourages more diversity among savants overall)

As someone currently progging thermo juggernaut, I honestly agree. But it will become useless for some time, and the question will be “can you endure?”

if this happens i’m going to riot

in it’s current state Savant isn’t terrible it’s just sweaty (pvp wise)

it’s all about combos and imbues. from my viewpoint it’s the most skill-based and if you use it you’re either good at the game or (in my case) really bad

yeah what i like about Savant is the amount of sub-builds it has.

you can heavily invest in one stat (like i do with Strength) or invest somewhat evenly, allowing for less skills powerful skills but more skills around the board

it also just has the most diversity, not just in terms of stats but also uses. 2 magics or 2 fighting styles, 3 weapons, and vitality-based buffs as well, along with eventual access to all imbues

i made it through Skypiea and Thriller Bark this is a piece of cake

Yea, I’d persevere.


This is an outrageous statement. Lightning Conjurers are absolutely none of those things, and I am insulted that you dare say as much, @Dreamkeeper . Kaden! Get in here and show this individual just how wro-

… nevermind.

Kaden looking extra chewable today it seems

Stop being ignorant, take the knightpill

9/10 rage bait almost fell for it

(lightning is DEFINITELY better)

Bro I specifically said it’s not bait :100: :fr:

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eh 6/10 this time, could’ve put more effort in this reply

I think the only advantage lightning imbue has is speed iirc :skull:

that’s not with the imbue damage decreases or anything else accounted for either (which knight seems to lack, thus giving it an edge over conj)

Dude ya’ll are all high what even is this argument

Lightning has arcanium armor, which gives attack speed and agility, good for those who want a “hasty” type build

Lightning conj is much faster than knight

Lightning conj doesn’t take away your hp, and even when the change to vitality will make it so knights won’t lose hp, the only benefit it has over lightning conj is lifesteal–wait, what is that? Oh yeah, knight will have that small advantage over EVERY CONJURER HELLO

Knights will have reduced damage on imbuement too, just like lightning, except it’ll be for all imbuements not just “eagle patrimony”

Lightning conjs have access to “teleport” reflex, magic attack which makes them much more mobile, and once again, actual attack speed

I rest my case :frsleepin: