me when i spread misinformation on the internet

me when both of those stats have been nerfed to oblivion :fr:

(I think agility is at least planned to be but my point stands with attack speed)

this isnā€™t about all the other conjurers though, just lightning.

doesnā€™t that technically make knight more versatile than lightning conjurer in a vacuum since it has more imbue options anyway and can specialize in playstyle a lot easier

the ekrix in question:

you canā€™t be seriously arguing knight is better than lightning conjurer

in fact, iā€™d go as far as to say knight is the worst class rn

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arcanium sets are only generally good with modifiers which some people donā€™t wanna farm for.

lifesteal can be very overpowered in games i wouldnā€™t say itā€™s small, especially given the large AoE and not god-awful speed of Vitality and Weapons

Ekrix also reduces damage taken when used without the annoying barriers and is more customizable (either Burst or Teleport w/ high agility)

this still applies to Lightning as well. itā€™s not like you can change which type of lightning you have.

I rest my case :frsleepin:

(i like playing devilā€™s advocate :grin:)

broā€™s saying this while oracle is literally unplayable

technicalities :unamused:

Turns out bait still is believable.

In that knight actually is better and the posts saying otherwise are bait

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