Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

i’m going to refrain from saying anything, not sure if I’ll ruin the experience if i continue to say stuff

Just noticed that i unlocked Mirror Dungeons…

This looks very complicated reading through the tutorial segment.

4-48 was the first major brick wall I ran head first into with the story.

don’t get me wrong there were fights I lost and really close fights but 4-48 felt impossible.
(same with 5-30 lol, you know its bad when the EX challenge is just to clear the stage at all)

Project Moon is very bad at tutorials from what I’ve heard and experienced.

Mirror dungeons are very simple and self explanatory.
If you’re familiar with how the dungeon system works (I’m sure you are given you’ve gone through atleast 2 of them), you can work with them.

before i attempt them…i realized that new identities start at level 1…i should do Luxcavations so they can keep up with the rest of the team.

normal mode mirror dungeons buff all identities to level 40.
hard mode does not.

Do you get lunacy from Mirror dungeons? i want to start finally shaping up my own builds.

it’s basically a roguelike


choose the sinners you’ll use through the dungeon, you can only use those ones for as long as the run continues

beating encounters gives you currency, you can use it to buy a multitude of things such as ego gifts, skill replacements (replace one identiy skill with another), the ability to switch between identities (since you only have one of them when you enter the dungeon), or just heals

beating certain encounters such as focused or dangerous ones can give you an ego gift as a reward.

the first dungeon (mirror of beginnings) only goes up until floor 3.

what you get depends on how far you go into the dungeon, completing it obviously giving you the best rewards. you can enhance those rewards with weekly rewards, but it’s only usable three times a week

i don’t mind helping you understand stuff

(and yeah, you get lunacy with the weekly rewards)

there’s a daily reward system in-game? or do you mean something else?

on an unrelated note, if you get any more chances to do 10 draws, try to get captain ishmael while the banner’s still up.

project moon wanted a paycheck when they added that identity lol.

whoops, weekly rewards, weekly rewards. sorry bout that

you get 3 “bonus” each week for mirror dungeons.
each one you use at the end of a run gives you a bunch more pass XP and 250 lunacy.
when you unlock hard made you can use ALL of your weekly bonuses at once to great effect.
(22 levels on the pass in one go lol)

she looks really complicated compared to the rest of the characters…
i have…around 1640 Lunacy…do you think it’s really wise to spend all of it?

Damn, that’s alot of lunacy, wonder how hard they are though.

Go for it!
She’s a top tier identity from what I can tell, and you already have one of the other members of the pequod trio in your team.

Though if you use her, she has unique sanity mechanics you’ll have to pay attention to.
(She doesn’t like it when other people get kills but can’t naturally lose sanity any other way)

Got the one who shall grip Faust :skull:, Shi Association Heathcliff (probably another poise proccer.) and Liu Association Hong Lu dupe.

you must gamble my friend

Not a terrible roll and also funny to have before chapter 3.
(you will find out why very fast)

you should probably level up pequod yi sang, very consistent damage dealer from my experience

also uptying pequod is very worthwhile if you want somebody who is really really good at stabbing people.

youve gotta gamble thats the only way to get good ids