Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

Guys…we are weaponizing my depression for my next build after my burn build.

Featuring another My Form Empties EGO.

6 sinner fights become the standard soon enough, maybe at canto 5?

They’re the same, it’s just that MD3H does some changes that makes everything generally harder (mainly with glorified stat buffs).

There’s a fifth floor though that has some interesting abnos. Wouldn’t necessarily call their fight harder because you get an extra floor to prepare, not to mention that some floor 4 bosses pull you out of the P + Spacebar trance and are still fairly complex.

Some of them are pretty simple, and all of the canto 5 abnos can appear there.

Status teams in general can be quite strong, but the burn identities themselves are… questionable. Though I am biased because when I first started the game I had to trudge through the game with Liu Meursault (alongside some other forgettable id’s).

His clashing is terrible and his burn application is satisfactory enough to slap on a burn team because you need a unit. He has burn spread effects and Capote ego though.

Also at this point you should only use units at uptie 3. It’s basically the standard at this point in the game.

Just did.

holy smokes, a lot just happened

she said the thing
on a side note goddamn
canto 4 might have more though i forgot

Hopefully…it won’t be as repetetive combat-wise, because that’s what Canto IV suffered from.

Past Part 2 of Canto IV…i felt like all of the fights after Dongbaek were just “Random Bullshit Go!”, the fights have gotten repetetive past this point and i felt like it was too long of a Canto to begin with.
I know they were trying to continue the story somehow…but couldn’t they just have made it shorter by adding less fights atleast?
Just my opinion on Canto IV, hopefully Canto VI won’t dissapoint me after i’ll deal with Canto V.

Checked the game for a moment…
Outis and Heathcliff now have WAW EGO!?
Heathcliff’s though…it looks pretty mid, or maybe i don’t really get how it works.
Placing bets that the Electric Sheep abno is an dungeon abno, probably a TETH or HE, while the Bound King will likely be a boss Abno, may or may not be a WAW, the difference between a Abno’s risk classification and it’s EGO can get funky.

holy mother of god they really fucking said ‘abandon the dungeon formula for this one , we have to cook peak fiction’

and god they did. don’t worry about filler fights, because there are few, like canto V. studio EIM? cooked. project mili? cooked. PM? cooked. the sound department, the fights department (fights are balanced to me, however one thing i dislike was one team composition being better than others. im looking at you sinking. though sinking comps falls off past 6-35 i still think the fact that you need a specific team composition for most of the chapter sucked. oh yeah and most of the fights are abno/focused battles so thats really cool i think pm should do it more)

and the writing department. oh holy mother of peak

No dungeon? :frowning_face:

Hmmm…i do wonder if they’ll be able to beat Canto III’s music, considering it’s one of my favorites rn, but we’ll see.
I still haven’t done Canto V, also that one too.

Wait fr?
Well…BL Meursault should deal with this, regardless. (And Captain Ishmael if the pity was there).

they cooked so hard with this canto but like half of these gimmicks are so fucking annoying to deal with like bleed count being absurd

you’re gonna love the 20+ turn endless wave defense

I brought the pequod trio for most of the later bossfights and they were surprisingly effective.

Minor boss mechanic spoilers relating to this choice:

I wanted a team that would be “complete” with less characters so heathcliff could get more clashes in. A full team of 6 is actively shooting yourself in the foot against the bosses here since heathcliff can absolutely ruin the boss’s day by winning several clashes in one turn, if harpooner heathcliff didn’t reach the first stagger and die when sneezed at with nobody to protect him I would have had him solo and I’m sure it would work lol.
For the final fight I also brought BL Meursault and faust to have a healing option (pursuance) and they only filled the team to 5 so heathcliff still got two clashes per turn.

I actually never used sinking at all and just leveled any characters that were struggling straight to 45 and that solved most of my issues lol.

If I’m reading the uptie 4 effects on this right it basically gives every single one of heathcliff’s attacks 3 attack weight without counting as 3 attack weight.
(+100% damage dealt on target to two other random targets)

aaaand they hit the nerf axe. 6-35, 6-45 and 6-48 respectively.

(honestly 6-45’s ex condition should’ve been 15 in the first place)

edit: i just realized they hit 6-44 too LOL

somehow managed to beat 6-45 in 7 turns before the ex condition got changed (after investing in a sinking team, they were deadass the hardest boss for me) while failing 6-44’s ex condition by a singular turn

i did fail 44 and 45’s condition by a turn off (although it was fair because i was not reading and realized 44’s mechanic late, 45 is just hell) its pain and suffering around here

i recleared though so we good! 22k lunacy ready for the third walpurgis night

same here
getting that damn announcer this time :pray:

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Since i have finally got the +2 new Bleed EGO Gifts starter buff now, i am now able to make Bloody Mist…
thing is…how does the activation requirement work? does the identitiy required to active it need to have atleast 1 skill that inflicts bleed? or do all first three skills need to inflict bleed?