List every flaw you can think of about WoM

bro… chil

Bruh the island is extremely small, the tsunamis it would make wouldn’t reach across the planet.

exactly, an incredible amount of the big things for AA in general are fucking small still. as i said, the size of alelea is probably only a portion of a neighborhood. Magius is barely big. Whatever earthquakes or tsunamis it would make wouldn’t reach as far as people would think

issues with realism æ

not to mention that if PK raised land from the sea then there would be no vegetation or a sustainable ecosystem for people to live on. even with livestock there’s no plants because there’s no soil. that stuff doesn’t just come pre-packaged lmao

Uhmmmm Pk Has Life Curse User With Him To Help Ezzzzz

Life is healing, they would need something like Growth or maybe a curse that can fast-forward a massive area like Magius and the surrounding sea

growth curse user then ez.///////

i don’t like wom

loot chances, rng, magic balancing, client sided pvp, the fact that you have to do a entire marathon to go to one side of the continent to another, ice/wind/water mc captains, mc to new players, the rep system, boss spawning, not very detailed tutorial, etc
most of these will be fixed in TGR so

if you can find Randal that is

Yeah random loot can feel like bullshit sometimes, I wish there were some chest with custom loot instead of all RNGesus.

1.i have no tester role
2.i have no tester role

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(might be loud depending on who you are)

Game’s map and story were designed too modular.

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