LiterallyLoki gives you advice!

Smoking the pack of all my opps (Pipe dream)

Hi :)

From what I’ve seen, you are a creative person. Scarily so. I’ve never had a problem with you, I don’t see a single negative thing from you in your activity.

The activity is just filled with creativity and overwhelming writing.

I don’t have a problem with you. I have a problem with your grammar.

In writing, the way to phrase sentences is exact. Let me give an example:

“I don’t know,” he said.

I used an apostrophe. When you put what he did after, you put an apostrophe. That’s it. That’s all I got for you. You’ve not done anything besides that.

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Welp, this seals the fact you’re similar to that discord clan server guy I mentioned earlier, so gg

I looked through your history.

Slur joke, joke about mentally ill people, joke about schizophrenia… Please tell me you are mentally ill. Because that looks BAD. It is bad.

You are fine, positive and generally entertaining on the shitpost threads. Just- please watch it with the schizo jokes. As someone who is mentally ill, it can feel bad and it can be offensive. Just- be careful.

That’s it, you’re fine besides that.


this is becoming more popular, now Loki has even MORE work to do.

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I like you, my friend.

You don’t derail, you are aware of the fact you got positive interactions. The few negative ones are with people who tend to annoy EVERYONE.

You do insult those people, which- while you do so with good reasoning, does lower you onto their level. Don’t belittle yourself to being similar, keep your reason for being above them.

Keep on being you, Soifon. Doing good, I’m proud of you.

I remember you somewhat. Something about turtles, if I remember.

Your activity is fairly good. You don’t try to go into drama, you tend to hang around photography and writing topics, You end up included in the conversations without ever ending up in an argument or a negative discussion.

Frankly, I’m a bit amazed. But I give credit to you. I like, you Hat.

Keep being you.

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Taking this as a compliment again!

You’re clever without insulting. Funny too!

You explained my stance on furries perfectly. I use them for my fantasy world for stories! More like kemonomimi (tail and the ears, but completely human.)

You seem fine. That’s it, just… neutral. You never argue, fight, get mean. I just got respect for you! Also you are an Australian, one of my favorite nations for their nature and animals.

You chill, my friend. You chill.

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I recognize you from somewhere. I don’t know where, but I do.

Time to look at your activity!

Why is it all Limbus Company.


There’s no drama, it’s just Limbus Company. No insulting, no mean tones, no TONE in general, just LIMBUS COMPANY.

What am I meant to make of you. You are Limbus Company at this point.

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i dont think i have enough presence to form a genuine opinion over but why not

Hai! Not really looking for any advice (if you want to give it, go ahead), mostly just wanted to tell you that it’s nice you’re doing this for other people. Hope you have a lovely day/night :3

I used to be super active but now nobody besides the old users remember me anymore so same

chef deckhand itemridge farm remembers…

or it will once its added in empires

Username: Dogs

You probably have one of the best histories.

You don’t insult people, don’t go over the edge, and tend to stick to the suggestions and non drama filled parts of the forums. When you do, you speak reasonably and are fair.

You’ve done what a lot of people should do: Be respectful and discuss AO on this forum while also touching on the other categories without ever being rude or antagonizing to anyone.

Mature, well-spoken, and actually discusses the topics.

I respect you.

thank you friend :pray:

i have never seen u around the forums before