LiterallyLoki gives you advice!

I accidentally skipped you, my fault slime :sob:

All of your activity is drama, game discussion, and occasionally a NORMAL off topic discussion.

You don’t EXIST in drama, you just point out problems in people’s arguments. People who hurt their point, etc. You just exist, and I respect that.

Neutrality isn’t the worst, my friend!

oh god

It’s all game discussion, ITS ALL GAME DISCUSSION-

Hi, nice to meet you, yeah, whatever, it is all game discussion, writing, or building. OR ART.

There’s nothing besides that. It is just actual insightful and in depth discussions. I’m both amazed and alarmed.

You amaze me. That’s all I got, I’m amazed.

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I only respond if I have anything to say, so you’ll see mostly “drama” posts in my activity

You seem fine.

Okay who the fuck still uses “u” as a replacement for “you” this shit isn’t 2014 tumblr, get out- (I AM JOKING.)

You don’t seem to ever actually argue, but you can take a tone.

I’m going over you quick, so I’m just going to say this: Don’t be rude. It makes situations worse. That’s it, you are all good besides that.

Also, fun username? It alarmed me.

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All good, not saying you are in the drama, you never actively make it worse. You just exist in it, happily. I respect that.

I also want to add that I’m waiting for 2-3 people to eventually comment on this.

I have situations with these people I must see to…


you arent that subtle buddy,

Nuh uh…

Also two other people I will not ping because I am afraid to :sob:


do it for the vine!!!

Daw really? Well, I appreciate your kind words dear, I am happy to see someone being kind and respectful to others here, it is a nice sight to see :3

Well, don’t wanna be overstaying my welcome here, again, hope you have a lovely day/night and wish you have luck in your future >w<

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Okay, I know I say this- like every week, but MY GOD, you are my new favorite person here you are too kind :sob:

I wish the best for your future, omg, have an amazing day/night!!

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is one of them perhaps the 1# morock fan aka skittle

anyways please do rate me im curious

i know what to expect (or atleast i think???)

how much fear should i have going into this topic

You don’t gotta worry about that.

Your turn.

I’m gonna say this: You never participate in drama. You never talked in any way to antagonize.

However, you have a JJK pfp so I already want to throw hands with you.

You type exactly how those white kids in middle school who act like they are hood do. I mean the white kids in well off families that have never struggled for anything.

You type exactly how they verbally communicate. It’s just a weird tone that some people don’t like, so maybe don’t do it as much. It’s hard to read and fully understand what you are saying for me, but I am neurodivergent so I may just be weird.

You are fine besides that. Some tone problems, but you’re all good.


the curse of writing comments as a chronically online person…

i have no idea to put tone through text :sob:
i really need to research how



would you hate me if I started talking about LIMBUS COMPANY!

Alr so I’ve known you since we were both in 2nd grade.

You are probably one of the only people I can always talk comfortably around, and I’ve considered you one of my best friends for years. You are practically like a sibling to me.

That being said… forgive me.

You scare me. You participate in drama with complete neutral judgement, your tone is always handled well and you never make it difficult to understand you.

You entertain me, and sometimes I want to remove your existence from this realm for the cursed shit you send me, but you are one of the best people I know.


Okay you argue and antagonize a bit, but I’m just declaring you as brainrotted, so dw bout it! :3

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