LiterallyLoki gives you advice!

G’day mate.

I’m the one that recommend you to watch “All Quiet on the Western Front.”

therapy huh

The old one or new one

The new one, the 2022 one.

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say no or i’ll deconstruct you

i second that sentiment

how come ive never seen you before

For the literal god of mischief you are like the least toxic person on these forums I know


Some of these seem fairly accurate

dear allah,

please turn all my opps into roast suckling pigs and make them fly away, now and forevermore. i offer my left eye and kidney as tribute for a binding vow. tell gojo we miss him, and give him a kiss for me.

your strongest soldier,

Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the angel says: And for you the same.”

I am shiansi24 (what is thy input)

I choose violence in other ways. I’m not toxic, I just like messing with people in a way that won’t genuinely annoy them.

Like me eating food in cursed ways, the Hubba Bubba Tape Bite ™, and The Recipes.

Yeah? You use them in the game to fight, right? That makes them a weapon.

(Was there drama I missed or a big debate?)


Australian Army Cadets is wild, please stay safe. Also, you ever see the spheres in person?

Alright so I’m feeling a bit mean so I’m sorry.

You were a war game kid weren’t you.

Arma III lookin ass- (IM SORRY ITS TOO EASY)

You seem to be chill, fine, I still want to punch you for that movie recommendation, and the survival tips stuff is actually pretty good! I have the anarchist’s cookbook, and some of that info is in it. It’s accurate.

“Mommy” explain. DEFEND YOURSELF.

You seem fine, if not a bit chaotic and confusing me. Though I respect it. No advice, besides the military and political stuff being very easy to tease about. Expand your horizons!

Final note: you have my favorite animal in your nation! Quakkas and turtles!

we mean a weapon like a weapon stat weapon, a sword or something

I mean, that depends on how it develops later on! I don’t know enough about spirit weapons to really have an opinion.

I don’t want art, I want you to value yourself and understand that you are a good person who is deserving of love. You deserve to be happy.

“Owner of the forums third best cat” @sock , show em your CREATURES.

Alright… art, helpful discussion, art, art, ART, occasional shitpost.

I’ve associated with you for a while, you are far from a bad person. I enjoy talking to you, not to mention your creativity and art is genuinely enjoyable.

(I still lowkey love your magic tattoos art example, because GENDER ENVY.)

You peak, my friend. You are peak.

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@discobot display help