LiterallyLoki gives you advice!

I’ve actually been asked this multiple times by the people here, and others.

You lot are finally getting the reason why!

I’m positive for others. I don’t like seeing people sad or feeling bad or angry. People I hate, or I feel have it coming? Well, I’m fine with them feeling bad, but I know how it feels to act bad and tell yourself that’s all you’ll ever be.

I have hinted at it, but I do struggle with some mental problems. I won’t go into them, but I just don’t want people to feel this way. I’d rather not see people feel the way I do. Because it sucks, depression sucks.

So I like helping people and being a good friend. I may not like myself, but I’d rather not take that out on people who don’t deserve it. So I’m positive.


That’s one way to look at it.
Personally, I’m positive because I literally can’t afford to be anything else.
Sure if I’m angry at someone I can yell at them and take out my anger on them but it will cost me more than I will get in return, so I don’t.

My theme song at this point :sob:

My family and old bullies built this intense social anxiety brick by brick.

Honestly man I used to struggle with this too. The best thing was just to ignore what other people think about you. People won’t even remember something embarassing about you after a good two to three days unless it was really really dramatic.

Remember, man, if it was built, it can be removed. Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself

I know you’re not referring to me and im probably stupid for saying this but that’s kind of hard when my parents say I act like im mentally challenged and stuff all the time and I probably am