Looking for extensive pvp training

what server region do you play on


I forgot

Wait no USA

oh well, I might hop on in a couple hours if you’ll be online with my weapon magic hybrid for funsies, haven’t pvp’ed in ages though and this is a new build so dont expect me to be great

That’s fine

I can’t get on for like an hour tho

good because i myself wont be able to for the next probably two hours - hour and fourty mins

i got washed my ego is now in shambles :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

holy shit it’s been 3 fucking hours since i read that?? damnnn

wtf you’re making me feel old

CDT gang :sunglasses:

I thought I was in Eastern time because my state is literally part of the Southeast, but turns out it’s central for some reason… And I also get better ping on USW servers in comparison to USE servers, although that’s probably just because Central servers are rare

Nooo you did ok

I respect you being humble bro :fist:

but you aint gotta lie


u want lessons on how to always die in every 1v1 while making it seem like you’re trying? cause i can give you that.

ok but who asked

Sure, you can message me whenever you want

old, ive lost interest in doing this

:expressionless: OK then