Looking for extensive pvp training

ya, 2 months ago

my name wasnt mentioned :pensive:

sounds fun
i can only help on weekends tho

:pensive: :pensive:

haven’t seen u pvp by yourself

i was gonna explain my case but that screenshot does make things a lot easier


i’ll pvp most the time i can play everyday at like 3:00 PM EST-9:30 PM EST

What magics have you used a lot other than iron and fire? I’m currently trying lightning and acid for aim skill but I’ll get into iron sometime later so I can learn slow magics

i’ve hardly used iron i main lightning ive used glass and wind a lot i’ve used lightning a lot i’ve used acid a bit to i’ve hardly used water and shadow cuz just no.

:people_hugging: people

Wdym? Are you saying that people who use slow magics are gay or what?


get close to people with slows
if youve pvp’d good slow magic users youll know they like to run up to you and play rather than keeping distance

To compensate for slowness, slow magic users like to get close to their opponent. Their high damage often allows them to do more damage to their opponent than they receive

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and better clash rates

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oh that makes more sense. yeah i already knew to get close to people with iron. i just couldn’t tell what you were trying to say with that emoji

I could get some help as well maybe

my discord is brady1027#1852

K I’ll dm whenever I get on

I’ve recently seen that my PVP skills have gotten better. Anyone wanna practice?