Lore Doc Update Discussion

About which part exactly? Because, Blue Yonder expressed many of the same things I feel.

The whole thing, but if you donā€™t really wanna do that I would like to hear your opinions on the hecate stuff cause iirc you mentioned her a lot.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything here that would contradict that so at least you can still headcanon it. Its not the same as it being outright stated as canon, but its something.

Nah, they took Irisā€™ parents because of their personal grudge with Winterveil.

Well itā€™s much easier to find an unlimited amount of soldiers when you nuked the entire planet, so itā€™s much easier to steamroll your opponents

Thatā€™s a nice argument senator, why donā€™t you back it up with a source?

I thought everybody knew that

I thought that wasnā€™t what the game is saying though

why did the gods not care that prometheus was freed? kind of odd

Its definitely a weird change especially if thereā€™s nobody with 4 or more magics, but no harm no foul? If you really liked the biological side of it I can how this could be an annoying change.

I like this too, especially on how it seems to tie in with stuff that will be prevalent in AO too, like the unknown entity. So glad it ties things together a lot better.

Iā€™m a little unclear on whether they can only learn lost/ancients their ancestors used or if they can only learn them because the lessons are passed down through their bloodline. Iā€™m leaning towards the latter because of how losts and ancients will be obtained by the player, but that could be because of either god blood or just gameplay =/= canon. If lost and ancient magics can only be obtained because your ancestor had them though then Iā€™m in total agreement with you on it.

I am so with you on this. I genuinely hated that when it was canon. I was so glad when I found out it was decanonized a month ago.

All the above aside I more or less feel the same about everything else you said.

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Apparently it was just the Bronze Legion kidnapping people, including Irisā€™s father, which seems to have no relation to the Order.

Is it not run by guys in the order?

It is, but itā€™s also run by guys who kidnap people from Winterveil. We met some of the prisoners and they were talking about the Winterveil thing.

Well there was a whole war not long after he got free and gave out magic so they probably cared about both things but the magic thing being the more prevalent issue.

Oh yeah, Iā€™m really glad Vetex finally addressed this. Itā€™s always been a major contention of mine that she had never been mentioned until recently. It also fixes how Prometheus wasnā€™t able to give magic to humanity for so long, seeing as he was indeed chained to a rock getting his liver ripped out. Until some new mysterious entity (please for the love of everything donā€™t be Hades) freed him. Itā€™s a much cooler story than, oh yā€™know the gods were in a silly goofy mood and decided to give humanity the power of atomic bombs.

I also wonder, because I donā€™t think Yonder mentioned this, but are the Hecate Shards the new stand in for Aurem? The part about it being used to create the new magics is similar to Auremā€™s function of granting more power.

Also I love that the Hecate Shards give a reason for Arthur to create the Curses, because itā€™s a realistic extrapolation. Rather than just him knowing they werenā€™t giving the good stuff to mortals.

This part basically confirms my headcannon that Iris was born with flare and that her father was in someway a fire mage.

Also I see the argument going on about Irisā€™s father. I personally think, though this is heavily based off my own headcanon (specifically the headcanon that the Winterveil Extermination is a known thing in Ravenna, because you really canā€™t have secret genocides within your own nation), that Irisā€™s father was executed (though I suppose we donā€™t know for sure if heā€™s dead) for knowing too much about The Order, and that his possible Winterveil heritage (Iris has unnaturally pale skin for a Ravennan, though that may just be because of the lack of sun on Frostmill) was an excuse. Either given to the soldiers (if the genocide was secret) or to the people (if the genocide is public.) However, it should be noted that in game his disappearance is all but stated to be due to knowledge of The Order, rather than any connection to Winterveil. Though i may be misremembering what goes on in the Talos centurion conversation.

These are the thoughts I have for now, Iā€™ll probably write more if I can think of some.


he stole another godā€™s authority, they were probably frightened of that new power
some gods mightā€™ve agreed with him giving fire to humanity as well, so he wouldā€™ve had allies

So how is it related to Winterveil?

They want to kidnap all the winterveil people.

not a lore doc thing, but this is exists
you need a similar magic to get the mutation :skull:
ig mutations are canon again

im fine with it as long as i get phoenix

also makes sense with vetex saying ā€œ40 lost magicsā€, two for each magic

Iā€™m sure if it was it wouldā€™ve just said so. Besides this seems to be the same thing as Vetex mentioned the order is trying to release and everything that weā€™ve heard about it doesnā€™t match up with Hades in AU lore at all. So I think weā€™re good there.