Lore drop thread(Sorta spoilers)

how are you playing it

its uncopylocked

i’m stupid

wait does that mean calvus didnt tp to neviro

he just moved really fast
triasta description even says its just moving faster than you can see

ok thx

im faster

Funnily enough, the reason why the entire community is so toxic, is because most non-toxic PvPers and PvErs just gave up on the game or are taking a break, so practically only the assholes are left

The gradual devolution of a roblox community

i freaking hate assholes in this community, they’re always so toxic :rage:

Because normal player like me is playing other games or busy with stuff in real life

i jus wanted to drop more about the fight

the only thing you’re busy with is being neg diff’d by morock lil bro :moyai::pray:

Why does death live at an AG outpost, does it pay rent or is it a homeowner, where does it buy groceries, this opens up so many questions

Morock ain’t letting you tap :pray::sob:

you sure about that? :smiling_imp:

Were AO players, of course we have to debrief the entirety of arcane odyssey lore.

He’s a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean I don’t think he’s able

if you see morock as a skeleton thats a sign you have not reach morockean enlightenment

no its just a sign we dont do lsd