Lore questions thread

I figure he might be a side content thing rather than a main story thing if he does come back for merciful players. Maybe there’ll be a side thing with Ulricus coming after the mc for ruthless players to even it out.

I heard somewhere that calvus’s daughter would take the throne

I remember reading that his children are too young to take the crown

Yeah but it could have always been referred to the far future

About Elius and Carina. Didn’t Carina (or Elius?) mention that the order doesn’t accept failures or something? I think the order killed them anyway.

is neviro a real being??? he too weak to be from winterveil

what the fuck happened to the land animals

why hasnt arcane odyssey been in a roblox event :sob: its so fucking peak

  1. he survived getting IMPALED AND EXPLODED, but yeah he has like no offense whatsoever
  2. gameplay ≠ lore, they don’t exist in gameplay for haven’t-been-added-yet reasons
  3. probably because it’s pretty new and not super popular, Roblox only looks for popular games no matter how shitty they are

-1 im sorry but how come we have a half prince half punching bag as one of our main allies
-2 fair enough, probably why there is what seems like a covered wheel of cheese in the parkour staircases
-3 so true

You know I completely assumed for a while that animals straight up didn’t exist and everyone was just pescatarian

It will likely be after The Keraxe-Sameria war ends, either as a Keraxean outpost or how it was under Samerias rule depending on how the war plays out. Additionally, while the map render doesnt have the houses, it still has the green landscape, so I doubt that its going to stay the charren ashes it is currently.

Yeah, probably as a way for the Samerians to question our loyalties.

Queen, Calvus’s daughter is next in line for the throne as said by Vetex

I mean I’m not saying he is going to be, but like no? What are you on about?

I believe vetex has said smth along the lines of “our choices determine who shows up in the story” at one point in time, so possibly

His literally said that he had to go into hiding from the Order if he failed, why would he call for backup. We did em a favor in murking the Order.

Calvus’s daughter is next in line. Lord Ulricus is busy with affairs in the Nimbus Sea anyways.

Possible, but the Order is probably at this point scrambling to figure out wtf happened that led to a Baron and a Sea Curse getting lost from their hands.

We are hours and probably a good few miles away from the place we fought her at lorewise.

they would probably kill her for failing.

could be a thing for Ulricus questline, if we spared them he’ll be mad at us but still let us help him fight Arwald, if we killed them, he’d be so pissed he’d turn on us.

Okay what did you expect him to do against a man teleporting and impaling him from across a throne room.

we can solo him??? aint no way neviro is arish vista level :sob:

dawg would you have rathered the mc going in alone and getting instantly ganked by Calvus teleimpaling them since they wouldnt expect him to do that since they dont know he has aether. apprecciate homeboy for taking the hit for us

if he aint coming back as the new leader of ravenna i am going back to the djin ruins, get ruthless trait, and kill off neviro

i know young calvus was forced to take the throne when his father died, but an npc in rasna mentioned that his children are way too young to take the throne yet, indicating that they’re probably younger than calvus when he took over so probably someone in relation to the royal family would take over temporarily until the kids grow up or they find a suitor.

Seeing as the ol Bronze Hound is off trying to murder Arwald in Nimbus and Revon as vanished, I doubt that there is anyone is currently related to the royal family that can take the throne in their stead

Possibly, but I feel like they would search for her or simply check where the player came from to make sure noones hiding behind. Surely someone from the castle or town would have seen her go out towards the shining plains

Probably going to take a while. Depends on the outcome of the war.

I think definitely. It’s probably gonna be when we are at Skyhall since with us gone they’re gonna investigate us.

I think someone said Calvus’ daughter will take over. But since she is young I’m guessing someone will rule as reagent. It’s either Lord Ulricus, or whoever is in charge of Fort Castrum. I don’t think Neviro will be reagent, more like an advisor.

Julian is a possibility

in which case Neviro is screwed

I’ve got the feeling Neviro won’t be a curse user but instead become a knight and acquire a spirit weapon and I feel like the spirit weapon will come from Boreas

(I seriously thought his name was Revennio whoops) i’m sure it’ll just be basic word of mouth, in the Agora or something, some worldwide paper service that’ll eventually reach her ear. by then we’ll probably either have booked it or she decides to join us still, because remember, she’s in a tight spot rn against Keraxe so why would she turn her only allies against her.

i feel like they don’t really care, because they faltered regardless. maybe if she was at Argos’ level, then a slip-up or two would be fine, but from what I’ve seen, she’s not even at high enough level to be non-expendable or know any real secrets. but then again i don’t know, she could still be part of the Order.

then again, seeing as she seems to somewhat care for Elius, I feel like she wouldn’t risk it and would book it and try to meet back up with Elius. Possibly a redemption arc? Maybe a vengeance arc?

her being part of the Order would honestly be a neat plot point though and could set up for another bossfight, which, in my opinion, Carina’s was one of the funnest (although also most annoying) fights in the game.

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