Lore Wiki and unknown Wiki

Can’t quite say they are equals since it was never really stated anywhere, though knowing Morock had (as we know of) the greatest curse ever created by Prometheus while Valencia only has the shockwave curse it seems like Morock might be more powerful compared to Valencia herself.
(Also both of them are really strong with their own base magics, Fire and lightning, don’t really see either being stronger than the other)
Valencia just has the ability to survive in water considering she doesn’t have an elemental curse, meaning she basically has a curse that doesn’t explode in irradiated waters nor grant immortality (from everything besides magic). The shockwave curse is strong, but compared to promethean fire I’m fairly certain it’s not as good strictly damage-wise.

All she did was use the curse to knock him into the water, elemental or not all curses get fucked up in the water

Not all curses, I specifically said elemental because elemental curses are what blows up. Elemental curses specifically allow users to transform themselves into their element and become almost pure energy, like how Trigno can become magma or Arsen can transform partly into ash. While it lets them be immune to regular damage from weapons, they can still react with magic which is why they can die to magic users. This is what causes them to blow up in sea water, it’s basically the same as falling into lava. The radiation energy in the water reacts with the curse user’s body and they explode.
Non-elemental curses don’t modify the body of the user. The shockwave curse, what Valencia has, allows her to summon shockwaves. She can’t become a shockwave herself. Non-elemental curses also don’t react with magic so users are basically ordinary wizards except they can summon an attack without mana.

Im pretty sure all curse users die in water and not just logia curse users

since curses are baised on devil fruits


morock has the upper hand but it seems the battle was pretty equal for most of it

I mean thats Troluss’ webcomic which has slightly different lore than actual AA. I get that most of the events prior to the plot is the same but some stuff I think was changed so Angel could have a more developed story, considering she is one of the main characters in the comic.

The battle was mostly equal considering Valencia’s advantage of having a non-elemental curse when fighting over sea, though the shockwave curse is really strong I’m not sure if it’s equal or better than promethean flame. Either way it doesn’t really matter much, honestly idrk why I brought this up on the dead thread that just got bumped.

@pjk2nd Haven’t watched or read One Piece but I’m pretty sure AA curses are different than devil fruits. AA was a game about both magic and curses, magic most likely inspired by Fairy Tail. Some of the details had to be adjusted to make curses and magics related, and also just for gameplay later on.

They are the exact same in powers effects and the way they work, the only difference is one is theres no magic in one piece other than devil fruits

Curses were inspired by devil fruits but it doesn’t mean they are exactly the same, otherwise AA would just be a One Piece game. The reason why in AA they have the name curses instead of just devil fruits is because AA has its own lore to explain some of the technicalities and origin of curses, though the basic ideas of curses are the exact same as in One Piece from what I can tell. Some finer details were modified to better enhance gameplay or just to make what Vetex was looking for.

it was before vetex added lore lol

i can confirm, aside from a couple of significant differences, such as the fact that upon a Devil Fruit user’s death, the power is transferred to a nearby fruit to be eaten to gain it’s power, unlike Curses which outright drop out of the user after death.

And the fact that curse users are weakened by the magic in the water, unlike Devil Fruit users are just weakened by being submerged in water,

I swear I remember vetex saying that curse users aren’t weak to water, however the ocean hates them and will create things like title waves and whirl pools to drown them.

no, pretty sure they just explode lmao

As far as I know, they basically explode on contact with the sea due to the huge amount of magic energy in it. It probably wouldn’t have been too bad in WoM since time has passed and the sea should contain much less magic energy.

supercurse users, specifically

also image O_O

Curse users will probably be fine if they got some sea water splashed on them, but when they’re in the water, they can’t swim, so they will most likely drown and die, that’s how morock died despite being an extremely powerful curse user he just fell in the water and drowned. supercurse users will explode when they are partially submerged in water (I’m sure splashing sea water on them would also be okay)

any curse user has the same effect

it’s just more violent the stronger the curse user is
more curses = stronger

eg. trigno could also explode if he went in the sea, but he practically never does since he can just create obsidian platforms above the surface either way

no he just cant swim
its supercurses that explode you, just one curse makes you unable to swim, like devil fruits


wait wtf march was two months ago