Lore Wiki and unknown Wiki

Summary of the Arcane lore
There was a evil force known as chaos he is basically the creator of magic and is also “the gods of gods.” (But remember prometheus is what gave the humans magic)

Magic was rumored to have been discovered by an “old monk” and his teaching spread like wildfire, the old monk was actually promethues gifting magic to the humans, and when he did that he also gave them something call Aurem. When a human burns the Aurem as a sacrifice to promethues, the human gets more power so as prometheus. When prometheus got a lot of power he kills Zeus as ruler of the gods :sunglasses: (that’s my boy)

Humans started to fight for aurem which led to a war and wiped out 40% of humans and and even a few gods from Mount Olympus, including Prometheus himself, perished. Prometheus was killed by Arthur the Cursebeard, even stronger than Prometheus at the time ( I don’t even know how i would like some more depth into that vetex now >:c)

The human population is back to normal. There was a boy that was unable to cast magic. One day he was going through the woods, and found a glowing cube, he touched it and it exploded, he felt like a god. There were bandits in his town they started to raid houses, they raided his, when they did that the boy absorbed the energy out of them (the absorption curse) years later he started to go around stealing magic from innocent people. (reminds me of minecraft dungeons vetex explain)

After his solitude he started back again. then he met my boy **theos (the phoenix user) he tried absorbing his energy is didn’t work so they started to fight, they fought theos shot missed and killed 80% of the human race. He split the continent into islands. A few wizards made the AG (Arcane Goverment (a better MC. The MC does more harm than good that’s just facts))

Theos senses a player’s impressive magic energy (which is the pk/player you played at in AA) theos made him do a bunch of quest to open up his second mine and more. He went to Durza sea and saw cursebeard dying body (he has a badass name why did he die :c) Curse beard tells him his he undead zeus defeated him. He killed zeus and durza reasling massive energy.
Due to this cataclysmic event, Chaos was attracted to the earth and ravaged many of the remaining seas. Some islands had also gone completely missing, while others were left in ruin.

After he went to find Hades and killed him, hades was apparently the dude that was controlling Durza. John Thorne the Conqueror, a man who lived all his life on the unknown side of the world, moved to the island the PK ( peace keeper) has created.

Ten years later, a few more civilizations have migrated to Magius, namely the Alaleans, led by Captain Arsen, and the Castlians, led by Sir Rooks. Captain Averill tried to sail too the edge of the world then he discovered the world was round. A little over 1,000 years have passed, and by now many towns and locations have been constructed on Magius. Around this time, Trigno sailed back towards the Seven Seas, as all of his old crew members had passed away of old age, while he remains untouched by time due to his Magma Curse. he lands on maguis saw some crimes, and was like “wait i should make a shitty version of the AG and call it the magic council” he convinces Averill, John Thorne, and a few currently unnamed wizards to join him. ( maybe they are some of the unknowns.)

Over 1k years have passed and mostly all of the other cultures moved to Maguis the magic council is keeping peace (i don’t believe that I’ve seen them destroy towns before for no reason) and all the kings and magic council captains meet up in a place call Citrine Town, ( we will be able to go there so we might be able to assassinate them :imp: :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:)

You are born you are nothing special just and average joe that wants to become the best wizard.

The summary is long because there are so much important information in the lore soo it was hard to summarize

Theories Debunked

Debunked Theories

(i edited everything) This is part of the lore wiki I will be debunking theories that I noticed. I will be stating why and take evidence from the lore specifically. I also don’t wanna start any drama with the creators of these theories

Will be adding on to this!


The 24th element (one of the biggest theories (made by jumbo))

(Don’t take anything I said to seriously I don’t want drama lol)The main problem here is that there is a inf number amount of magic, you can keep mutating and mutating and mutating, the reason why there are 23 starter magic is probably because those became easy to learn over the years, and the lore said “magic became more refined(basically more pure and polished so easier overall)”

I don’t know what you mean by 4 spell types because last time check I remember there are 5 (blast attack, explosion,high-jump,beam-attack and hover) and as i said before there can probably be an inf amount of spells you can make

I think people refuse to look at the mathematical part of it because it doesn’t make sense, like why will he use verbs if it’s about math, a 7 can’t stand? also knowing that techlevel deals with the lore only, he wouldn’t make something that won’t add anything to the plot. He also said with the other theory he said we got the basis meaning we got the part with the unknowns

Second theory: 3 took 7(made by some dude name pack)

3 took 7

First of all why would 7 oppose a threat to 3 if the unknowns are most likely ranked my number (I actually don’t know i just heard people saying that) and if they did fight it would literally eradicate the multiple planets and cause permanent damage to the solar system, they aren’t even allowed to interact.

Where will they also keep an unknown they are gods of the gods the most powerful beings to ever exist. But I 'm not gonna lie Torren did get sealed away, but i don’t know how, so this theory might have a chance of being right, and it was multiple unknowns that helped sealed him away but it still doesn’t fit right.

Important Info


(upload://fCcYqcv2Gmy5CiYaCtuc4voibuG.png) ![Screenshot 2020-09-16 at 1.50.21 PM|690x355]
Screenshot 2020-09-16 at 2.09.01 PM|690x255

Will be adding on to his

This took me some time to make lol :hugs:

New theories!

Torren and the unknowns

Ok I won’t say it confirmed but it I have a good feeling about it, when it says 7 (torren) is coming home I am pretty sure it means “coming alive” or just coming to maguis to kill kings, so this mean something? Knowing Torren is generally a villain, and villains love to have revenge he is gonna kill the unknowns that locked him up.

How he escaped or came back alive i really don’t know.,One and two must have something to do with the escape or there are basically useless in the post. Torren nick name is also the king killer and knowing in this type of time in WoM there are a lot of kings. We have no clue of the other unknowns the only thing we know about them is that they aren’t humans.

Will expand on this

Torren Description and story

Torren the 11th unknown

All of these are phrases from Tech

Description -He had broken armor, purple and red flames, brown hair, red eyes, and a cracked sword (atleast how how was suppose to look in arcane) torren looked like a knight but with broken/missing armor (The evil exile : O)

Torren was the strongest person there was.
***He destroyed armies and kingdoms for the sake of his kings empire. ***
***He was a merciless killer, they say when he fought, it was like a dance of death. ***
His kingdoms name was the Roland kingdom, which sat upon the largest mountain side in recorded history.

I’ll leave out the boring parts about how he killed Freedrock, about how he destroyed Ian’s Cross his hometown, and how he killed Prometheus
Hades destroyed his kingdom by controlling Torren to kill every single person in it.
Hades is the god of the underworld and has power beyond imagination
After that happened, torren became a wandering mercenary, taking down countries and destroying islands
Some say that he eventually was killed by Hades near a dormant supervolcano. Others say he drowned himself.

But the real story is, is that he found the strongest grand fire curse there was. The Darkflame curse.
The power was so much it consumed him and drove him mad with power, his sorrow made the curse even stronger within himself.
The curse made him lose all rational thought, thinking, and his ability to speak to control him.
He is now sealed away at the edges of the sea

Legends say if you stand on 4 specific points at the same time, torrens seal breaks and he will be released upon the world

Torren level 500k - 1mil, estimating health is about 100mil or more

Might be outdated but it still applies

Lore ideas/Suggestion


i fine that will make sense they can use magic to make it float, knowing they are the second culture that is most adapted to there magic after the new greeks, and it can be told down from stories that they use to live on clouds.

The 11 Unknowns


The Eleven Unknowns are rumored to be a group of wanderers who have achieved the God state of their magic. Achieving this state means you essentially have the same abilities as a curse user, and more. This is not their official name, only what the people that know of them call the entire group. Most of the Eleven Unknowns are said to not interact with one another and respect each other’s power, knowing that if even two of them were to clash, they would easily destroy the world and permanently damage the solar system. The weakest member is said to be miles stronger than even Cursebeard, a man with four Sea Curses.

Stuff we know

  • The PK is the 8th unknown

  • Only half of the unknowns are human, and terron is the strongest (human unknown) ever so every unknown under 7 under is not a human

  • Chaos is a force that feeds on planets and galaxies, Destroys galaxies when it wants destroys and also does it for fun.

The reason why I didn’t make a next post is because it makes no sense i was going to use a lot of stuff from this original post either way

Will be expanding on this probably every day, ill add some more theories tomorrow.


People assumed it was about the unknowns or something like that. The point of this was being cryptic af.

the answer is that jeffrey-


So nobody knows what it means cool :sob: :thinking: :+1:t2:

There was things people assumed like 7-3 mean the 7th unknown killed the 3rd, 1&2 meaning the first and second are the same or together in some way, but that kind of thing is just hypothesis.

The world seem intact to me .-. so no one died

11 who is thought to be dead is not
7 is a fake and the real 7 is arriving to killed the imposter
7 will get help from 3 or will be betrayed. The minus sigh represent a rope
1 and 2 while may be about the first and second unknowns, actually means AA and WoM

Now, these were all guesses–if you can share with me the info about unknowns that would be appreciated cause I know nothing about them what so ever :neutral_face:

This dude destroys galaxies .-.

I think the last one is pretty outdated but it gives us name of the unknowns

Ohh wow okay, honestly thought Trigno was one but nope

Alright then interesting

Do you that if the unknowns are ranked in power like (1 being the strongest and 11 the weakest

What do you mean fake .-. how can an unknown be fake. and btw half of the unknowns aren’t humans stated by "techlevel"

Those were just guesses :sweat_smile:

I’ve seen the image before but know nothing. I wasn’t there when vetex first showed that

ik :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

AAa I redid everything like a cool dude :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

This took me like 1 - 3 hours I think

I have a very strong feeling that torren is alive because how can you possibly kill him, if level 500 give you have about 3.2k health that mean torren health is way to high to even do damage

pretty interesting reads, all i’ll say
PeepoGlad TeaTime

Ummm dude if i exploit in the old arcane to find torren (people say he is still there) will I get ban

aa’s broken and dead so i dont think vetex really cares, dont take my word for it though i’m just assuming at this point

AAAA ok ill go in the files with synapse decompiler when i have time :sunglasses: :sunglasses: