LoserNamedMidnight art thread: Reopened

See the thing with damned mains is that they’re either absolute garbage and they’re just trolling or they’re actually extremely skilled and when everyone else is dead, the fact they can’t get morale debuffed basically carries everyone in a time of absolute need.

the worst players are blitzer mains who tpk :fr:

I mained Hivemind since the start I don’t really care lmao

same as accidentally picking/getting a meta power in other games

I’ve been trying to get into blitzer more but I think people have such a stigma for it being a troll build that I often have a hard time using it without some form of backlash

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also how do u get drifter again I forgot

by getting some other challenge I believe

I really don’t remember, I haven’t played in a while

Someone’s who’s actually skilled will play a class that isn’t crippled the entire game. Even if the damned player IS good, the disruption they cause to the team that’s desperate to protect them (as the team still gets morale) isn’t worth it.

Let damned players play hard mode smh

if they’re not trolling then they’re equally as helpful as any other class can be

(okay maybe not AS helpful but you get the idea)

They get one shot by heavy attacks, can’t frontline, waste ammo as they can’t ADS, and have no actual support abilities.

Here’s the big issue: you can basically do anything the damned can do with another perk. You wanna backline with a bow or gun? Artillerist. You want basic? Survivalist.

Most perks can get SOME utility even with 4 morale. Like, no, I cannot frontline was an Arbiter with that kind of hinderance, but I DO have an on-demand impact grenade. A Hivemind or Crosslink can still trap and hinder.

yea but damned is for the respect points because if you can play damned and solo with it then you’re kinda pro tbh

Without a doubt, but still, keep it out of public lobbies.

I’m going to send the sad boy to your house if you do not cease this slanderous blabber about my damned main lads :triumph:

Seems like I forgot to post it, but I participated in a small art competition and won


A little sneak peak into a drawing that I’m working on


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I downloaded Krita
it’s MUCH better than my old art program (while being free)
I might make more digital art but this was already quite a pain and I had to mess around A LOT

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silly doodle


hey so I’m learning how to use Krita and I try to make a few drawings daily

these are clan logo color practice (putting text over it because I am considering to actually use them)

And this is a clan logo I made for the subclan for my friend’s clan


I also messed around with friends today and I drew two roblox avatars


I am cooking hard with nearly daily art

Yes, daily art is the best way to improve