Lost magic rant


So an insanity inflicting magic


donā€™t forget ferrosand!

Sounds more like a variant :person_shrugging:

how bruh

ferrosand and regular sand behave VERY different from eachother, mainly due to ferrosand being heavier, and conductive to electricity

I doubt it will tank your rep as much as you think. Either way by the time you can even use or fight against people with ancient magics the higher reps are gonna be easy to achieve. All and all I honestly think itā€™s underwhelming.

Maybe I didnā€™t do any research to it :troller:

you serious?

its a bit disappointing to see the same types of lost magics and not having much variety in between them, even if vetex is making more in the future

For ash magic you could have carbon magic or maybe eruption/volcano magic for magma + ash

Water honestly doesnā€™t get much better unless you do like fog magic or draining magic
wait nvm i think draining magic is already a thing

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coal magic

Is that really an upgrade tho? itā€™s just hot wood/earth which we already have magma for
I donā€™t think we need any more heat based magics since coal would not synergize with anything not heat based

ember magic

again, is that really an upgrade from fire or ash

its solid fire

k first of all, who said it needs to be hot? it could be just a black lighter earth like magic that is extremely heat volatile.

also wood needs to be set on fire in order to become ash, which if clumped together long enough, becomes coal, so yes, it is a direct upgrade


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so earth but it synergizes with heat
definitely not wood

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its a heated rock >:(
