Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

Last time someone cooked this bad, Pripyat was left abandoned
Vetex wasn’t even thinking tbh
Now the player is literally forced to plan their build out from the beginning and forced to use outsider knowledge if they want a good build
Hopefully if we create pressure we can get this reverted

Or the casual player just picks magic they like and find out about this mutation thing, and mutate it into some cool thing they have the option to

You’re thinking with the pov of someone that knows everything about the game and wants to minmax everything


Can we please stitch @StockSounds mouth

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Oh my god, can this bro not hate atleast something?

My plans for a blue lost/ancient/ heat magic is just down the drain with this one

They better have a blue magma lost/ancient cuz they aint it chief

stock i kind of agree with the idea of the obtainment method being restrictive or whatever being bad, but can we just talk about the title man :sob:

it reads like a bad, 8:01 long video essay on some lowkey drama that nobody cares about on Twitter :pray:

though, to be fair, if you chose that magic in the first place you most likely enjoy it, so it’d make sense if that’s the only one you can mutate (unless if you specifically had the idea of a specific lost magic in mind, but i digress)

eh not really my business anyway i don’t like magics all that much. lmk when Lost Fighting Styles or Knocking Fist or announced, then i’ll yap

Why should the player be forced to use a very restricted pool of magics because of a choice they made when they had no idea about mutations? Some player may want phoenix magic as it fits their playstyle way better, but too bad they chose water, lightning and ice when they had no idea about mutations.
Unless they make a version of each mutation for every magic (Phoenix magic for water, Flare magic for lightning etc.), players will end up forced using either weak, underleveled magics, or magics that don’t fit their playstyle at all.

bec now we can change magic

Before, you only would’ve needed to grind a bit or find someone with the spell scroll you want.
Now, if you messed up your build, you need an interchange potion, a tradable item that is very expensive, and Hecate’s essence, which spawns on already rare islands in the Far reaches with 1/12 chance per island, and even then it’s only if you find it. And if you reset magics, you’ll also need any lost spell scrolls that you’ve used.
Ah, also, let me remind you invisibility potions don’t work on atlanteans anymore, so you’re likely to have to fight several far reaches ones. Good luck with that.

seems fair enough to me

If I remember correctly the far reaches are meant for late nimbus to vimir levels, not the beginning of nimbus. Not really fair to judge it like that.

I think the issue for this whole debacle is just that people are worried that Hecate Shards will also be tedious to get like Hecate Essences when in reality we have 0 idea on how it will be obtained yet.

I’d also like to mention the fact the main reason Hecate Essences are so rare is because islands are so damn hard to find in the far reaches. Which is something I hope will get addressed

i believe that someone said we could get a lost magic as part of the story, this might be it

blabber blabber blabber

If that bit in the lore doc is reflected in game, then you don’t forget the base magic when mutating, and if there’s only 3 magic slots, then you can’t get rid of Shadow and have to drop Water or Wood.

you know lost magics replace base magics right, you dont need a free slot to get a lost magic in the first place
it even says it on the trello card, changing fire magic to phoenix magic

man cant we all just hug it out :pensive:

anyways i just hope atomic lightning is available, i NEED IT


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If that’s how it will work in game (replacing base magic with mutated magic), and the lore document statement about not forgetting the base magic isn’t going to be reflected in game, then that solves one problem and reveals others, though I think the new problems aren’t as bad in terms of potential build diversity.

What if someone wants to have Fire and some different flavor of Fire for example? Maybe they really like fire mage, and don’t want anything but fire, fire, and more fire. The answer that comes to mind is “just don’t use anything else”, but why should they have to limit themselves? If having two lost magics may be possible later on, what if someone wants two that are from the same base magic? Will they be able to re-obtain the base magic to upgrade it?

This is all speculation about potential pitfalls, maybe it won’t end up being a problem and the set of potential builds won’t be reduced compared to just eating a scroll to gain a particular magic. These are just the concerns I have based on the information I have been given.

yeah this whole rework is so ass

What do you mean “they wanted phoenix magic” then you say “they didn’t know about mutation

Also what the fuck are you on picking a magic for your future mutation is 10x better than having to deal with fucking traders