Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

I think it should be the choice of the player whether they want to maximize their potential in dialogue. If you don’t care to minmax your Elius killing, so be it.

They’re trying to minmax so they don’t matter, but your casual player that wants frostmetal will need the wiki to realize he has to kill every character and choose stoic dialogue options to get it and he’ll end off pretty confused. And how would you change losts through interchanges or hecate essences? You can’t go back and change your dialogue so you have to create a whole new slot and do everything all over again. It’s gonna turn into Deepwoken where you NEED the wiki to breathe

Yeah, fair enough. Especially considering that you can’t go back on choices.

Probably just me wanting a more flavorful game, and forgetting that most would rather have flexibility.

Worst fate imaginable

agreed, none of my files are going to have base magics that are probable fits for the lost magics i have planned for them, and having to find a hecate essence for each file each time they mutate is awful

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so true, even though i still need wiki here and there i’d be sad seeing this game turn into something like that :sob:

…what the hell happened in this thread

Stock got someone to actually agree with them

“Hecate shard”

hooray, another buggy and ridiculously hard to obtain item only found in range 69 of the dark sea!


(it’s a 1/10,000 chance on every other island and it has a render distance of 5 studs)

(also all the testers get losts completely for free with custom “godslayer” variants that oneshot all players except vetex)

also the fact that we’re restricted to choosing lost mutations that are ONLY related to our magic is just stupid and now my evening is partially ruined :grin:


No this is literally just a normal item this time

You get it from sealeds (not exclusively dark sea ones either)

I’m coming in randomly, but isn’t it a good change?

rather than go through a pool of what could eventually be 30 or so magics which each drop chance being rare, you can just get the shard, and then just get a hectate essence to choose whatever magic you want?


It’s a bit annoying having to go through the effort of getting a hectate essence, but generally it’s better

This part kinda sucks. It won’t be too bad if improvements are made to make hecate essence a little easier to find(like being able to see it from farther than 5 feet), but it is still kinda annoying to have to do. Plus if you want to change your base back afterwards you gotta go find it again. Unless hecate essence doesn’t go away after you use it, but I haven’t found one yet so I wouldn’t know.

exactly my point, i dont think people understand how god awful scrolls would have been


I like this idea as a concept but the issue is that we can’t change elemental families which really stings imo

that’s honestly a pretty big downside that doesn’t even have much of a reason to exist

“erm well it’s lore and immersi-” I don’t even want to see this appear because there are already several instances of noncanon things ingame that only exist because of balancing and QoL, this is technically just another one of those things that could easily be pushed under the agenda of such.

its cooler than turning my water magic into death magic, i dont really think this is that big of an issue because its not hard to plan out magics for the mutations you want
maybe its just bias from waiting for mutations in ar, but this doesnt seem that bad lol

(reworded a bit because i made no sense)


I don’t like what I am hearing. What if I want to make a mage that uses a particular lost magic and two other magics that don’t mutate into said lost magic? If I want to stick with my Sand/Wind mage, am I going to be stuck with either Better Sand or Better Wind if I want to play with lost/ancient magic? What if there is a lost magic that would fit well aesthetically or gameplay-wise and I can’t pick it up because I don’t have the right magic?

Here’s an example just based off of what magics we’ve seen in game and a wild guess as to what would mutate into what: Water/Wood/Death (no idea if it’ll be lost, ancient, or even obtainable) - kind of a shipwreck/Davy Jones’ Locker aesthetic. Oops, I didn’t pick up Shadow magic (which I guess would be the mutated source for Death if it is planned to be obtainable), guess that idea’s not gonna work. Sure, there may be some other options that would also be good, but why cut down on the possibilities?

Or maybe I am misunderstanding this whole thing, someone please correct me if so.


That IS cool what the hell???

…but if you want your guy to have water, wood and death, then they had 3 magics to begin with (therefor they are a mage) so they could just have shadow as third to become death

anyway generally speaking i doubt youll need a different base magic than usual to keep up a theme when upgrading to a lost magic, but even then theres nothing preventing you from changing your base magic before that if you want

didnt really give my take on the trello card yet so

im glad it fully confirms that you wont need to find scrolls of specific magics to get what you want (screw traders)
i dont particularly care about how you only upgrade to a lost magic that fits your base magic. it doesnt affect my potential fiture decisions, and while i see how it can annoy some, reminder that hecate essence already exists