Lost magics vs Base magics

now the issue with that is that metal is completely obsolete now

how do you plan to balance this

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its a lost magic. That’s how

of course it’s supposed to overshadow a few base magics

that’s… not… how it works…

flare doesn’t overshadow some things and it’s a lost magic.

flare overshadows fire magic does it not?

pretty sure it has worse impact damage but I might be wrong

lost magics usually have unique effects or significantly larger tradeoffs than normal magics

Tbh flare has the exact same synergies as fire except they’re all better

thats messed up fr… :fr:

it deals DoT in the form of radiation.

its a lost magic its supposed to just be better

yeah ngl lost magic balancing better not be just “base magics but better”

now with ancients, it’s okay if we get a little wacky and silly, but losts seem still too common to be outclassing things

1: not how uranium works
2: in exchange for what aspect of the magic being worse than metal magic


yeah but it’s negative synergies are a lot more potent too

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think about it like this. lost magics are base magics but more. more pros, but also more cons

none. Just better metal.

Though perhaps slower since uranum is very heavy.

mmmmm magic game

literally then nobody will pick metal then, see how this is an issue

gold part 2: electric boogaloo

mmmmm you can still have some logic

Not really, they’re all the same or less negative than fire’s

bad idea

arcanium has been defined as just normal metal mixed with radiation containing sea salt, i don’t think vetex would fall for the “uranium kills you if you touch it” meme

Yea. I see.

This is why vetex aint allowing magic suggestions because of idiots like me who got no idea how to balance a magic.


and you’re completely okay with this