AO Ideas Trello

(it makes him gay)

idfk they all dead

they get gayer

idk i dont watch DC i just know funny pink crystal does something that people would find offensive

bro pulled up the whole periodic table :skull:

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uranium magic. lost magic. Basically metal magic with a 0.2* damage increase and an added DoT effect.

They turn straight ig idk

49 posts were split to a new topic: Lost magics vs Base magics

even gayer…

Alright I’m back again

Spectral Magic | Lost Magic

Spectral Magic is a type of magic that allows the user to manipulate the structural forces of the atoms the magic releases, which can also be manipulated to different states of matter. Similar to the Arcane Magic or Polychromatism Magic, its particles are completely neutral, however the bonds between the subatomic particles can be changed. This allows for certain things to occur such as Quantum Tunneling, bonding the particles to create new elements, using the electrons to electrify something, displacing the thermic energy to make something extremely cold, & more.

When creating a spell for Spectral Magic, the player will be able to modify a Stability Slider, affecting how stable or unstable the particles are. The higher the Stability Slider, the higher chance the spell will have of hitting without Quantum Tunneling, but there is a lower chance of the special effects of the magic taking place.

Whenever a spell of Spectral Magic is cast, there is a chance of the opponent either gaining the Electrocuted, Burning, Freezing, Poisoned, Decaying (10 HP per second, 10sec.), and/or Disequilibrium (Chance for the affected limb to not be able to affect the physical world, lowering the chances of being able to use a spell or physical attack using that limb by 50%). The chances are directly proportional to the size & stability of the spell, the higher the stability the less likely you are to inflict it, whereas the opposite is true for size.

Sometimes, a spell cast by Spectral Magic can miss certain limbs of the opponent, known as Quantum Tunneling. This means that if even a part of the opponent misses the spell, it will deal significantly less damage. The higher the stability of the spell, the less likely Quantum Tunneling is set to happen.

Clashes (Where Spectral Magic is attacking):
Fire: 0.8
Ice: 1.2
Water: 1.0
Magma: 1.0
Earth: 1.5
Wood: 1.5
Metal: 1.5
Light: 0.5
Wind: 0.75
Acid: 1.0
Shadow: 0.5
Lightning: 0.8
Poison: 1.0
Plasma: 0.2
Sand: 1.2
Glass: 1.5
Crystal: 1.5
Snow: 1.2
Explosion: 0.75
Ash: 1.2

Also I forgot to mention it but this magic’s AoE would depend on Stability, the more stable, the smaller the AoE. Additionally, the AoE expands by x1.5 if used through a liquid & x1.25 if used through a dense gas.

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Boss Idea :
Andrew Vance, The Master Of Balance
Lvl : 2,750
Arsenal : Equinox, Shadow, Daylight Splitter (Sword)

Backstory :
Andrew was and still is one of the most powerful criminals roaming the War Seas, one of the reasons for his power is his excellent mastery at Equinox Magic And Shadow Magic, this mastery of his magics was gained through dedicated training of his magics. In his life he allready faced alot of powerful enemies including a Grand Navy Admiral, an Asassin Syndicate Overseer, and many other powerful Folks. Back when he found the Equinox’s magic scroll, he almost died after fighting off the horde of Grand Navy soldiers that were also trying to obtain the Ancient magic scroll. To this day, He Sails With his Legendary Ship : The Singularity.

Attacks :
Destroyer Of Balance
A blast attack, Big Damage, Big AOE.

Dance Floor
A self-placed shockwave explosion.

Equinox Surprise
A placed sphere explosion.

Laser Of Unstable Force
A powerful beam attack.

Equinox’s Point Of Singularity
A Mode spell That is seemingly Bursting out powerful shockwaves.

Weapon Attacks :
Weapon Cast : Equinox Whirlpool!
Does a whirlwind type attack that launches the enemy upwards.

Weapon Cast : Equinox Slice!
This abillity sends out a slash type attack, dealing big damage.

Weapon Cast : Unstable Point!
Creates A Giant Explosion Around the user.

Drops :
theese are 1/10 to drop
Exotic : Daylight Splitter
Rare : Pauldrons of Balance
Rare : Scarf of Balance

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heres the picture


Add monkey head shaped blasts

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Concept for legendary ships

Legendary ships are a somewhat slept on concept. They have a ton of potential instead of being some sort of big boss ship that randomly appears out of nowhere, the point of this idea is to see what THEY could potentially become

First Phase:

People will first find that a legendary ship has spawned in the Agora. A headline 5-30 minutes before the ship will actually spawn will be shown in the agora, detailing what type of captain and giving a vague description of where they might be located in the sea is in. A legendary ship can also spawn with a 1/6 chance every hour, however events such as finding a legendary chart may increase the chances.

Second Phase:

The Legendary Ship has a random set spawning area (randomly chosen), occasionally if a player is in the area, the Ship will show up, and be announced to everyone in the chat, the next Feed of the agora will also give players the exact destination of where the ship is (More players would be needed as backup in some cases, making them kind of like a raid boss).

Third Phase:

Three types of spawning can occur when a legendary ship spawns (of course pre-determined)

  1. Fleet - Three or more Frigate sized ships appear, pirates on the ship are relatively weak, and each ship has a captain which is leagues stronger than the crewmates.
  2. Command - 2-3 ships that are Frigate or higher spawn in, each having stronger individual crew members than a fleet. Only one ship will have a captain which is much stronger than the individual fleet captains
  3. Central - 1 Galleon or higher ship. Each crewmate is strong on their own (just slightly below fleet captain tier), There is the first mate which is Command Captain Tier and the captain which is extremely strong. These are the hardest ships amongst the others but have the lowest amount of members

Phase 4:

After a Legendary Ship is spawned, they will last for around 30-45 minutes. If not taken out completely by that time they will simply “set sail” (disappear). If successfully defeated, the player both will get the loot (which is dropped by the captains/ co-captains), and A plethora of sealed chests will spawn, providing a great reward for completing this event

Phase 5:

After being defeated, it will be announced to the server and published in the next edition of the agora.

Misc Info:
  • A captain should always be leagues above the current sea, so people cannot just breeze through the event. If anything it should be somewhat similar to fighting a raidboss where you get multiple people to fight.

  • Defeating a legendary pirate always rewards a great amount of Fame if you are a hero, and a large amount of renown and GREATLY raise bounty if you are a villian



I require more information before the card can be added. Please put effort into ideas.

Well my first Idea was a Monkey Head Shape for the basic blast spell (which was based on the Crash technique embodiment thing on dev update v1.10.99 on the AO trello, tbh I don’t know what it is yet), but now I’m also thinking of a
Monkey Animation Pack (which includes):

Idle - Sitting with Right knee up, Right arm resting on it
Walking and Running - Squatted with hands on floor, Knuckle-walking when walking, Palm-walking when running
T Jump - Squats close to the ground, Both hands on floor
Falling - Fall slightly upright, Both arms splayed in the air, one leg tucked in and one extended out
Heavy Landing - Land in a crouching position, Slightly jumping up after first landing
Block - Crouches down while covering the eyes and the top of the head
Charge Magic - Character crouches with hands on the floor, Rears head up in a screaming like motion (possibly with a screaming face and/or monkey sounds)
Talking with NPC - Standing up slightly while hunched, Right arm gesticulating (possible :hushed: face while talking)

reject sphere blast
return to monke blast

We need biden blast shape


another boss idea :

Samuel Talon, The Unforgiving
Lvl : 500
Arsenal : Aether Lightning Magic, Light Magic

Backstory :
Samuel began his journey from Ravenna, where he first bought a sailboat. He always wanted to visit Redwake but, on his way there he was attacked by pirates. in the fight he discovered he could use light magic, yet it wasn’t enough to defeat the pirates. He was left stranded. Eventually a merchant ship came by to rescue him. He was dropped off at Palo town and there he realized hes way too weak. Therefore, he started training for about 5 years. He managed to master his magic and was powerful enough to finally start sailing without any worries. After a few years he was exploring some abandoned ruins and found a lost magic scroll that tought him to use Aether Lightning magic To this day he is defeating pirates and ensuring safety in the War Seas.
His boat is named : Thundering Light.

Attacks :
Aether Lightning’s Rumble
A blast attack that’s shaped like an arrow.

Aether Thundering
An self explosion attack in a form of a shockwave.

Heavenly Strikes
The user sends out 5 placed beam attacks that target the player.

Aether Lightning’s Calling
A beam attack.

Ultimate Art : Aether Lightning’s Vengeance!
A snare spell.

Thundering Heavens
A speed-type mode.

Boss Drops :
None :c
But, After destroying his ship you are guaranteed to get at least 7 bronze sealed chests. The maximum is 15.
And you get a bunch of crowns for defeating him.