Lost magics vs Base magics

well as long as it doesn’t ruin the experience for me or others I doubt I’ll care about magic balancing unless it’s blatantly unfair or something

hope wood gets a lost/ancient form :pleading_face:

i think people mainly say this because the ancient magics said that every spell’d need to be found, but that could just mean you can only use lost spells with them

I’m pretty sure that just means that ancient magics can only use rare, lost and ancient spells


Vetex literally talked about “Mastered Base Magics” which should balance them out more, we have no idea how either of these systems are yet you still complain

all i know is that in aa mastered light was gonna be white

Pretty sure that was an old idea for more skills without going out of the way to find skills

I saw in my notifications that there were 66 new replies on the AO Ideas Trello Topic. I find a guy posting a bunch of metal variants, a discussion about Kryptonite, and now this.
@Divanochi, thank you for spliting the topic so now I don’t have to through all of this.

How old is old since vetex talked about it in the QnA.

Unless you are talking about the AA idea

which point in the QnA?

Assuming the rumor about base magics becoming stronger later is true, then it can probably be assumed that base magics will be pretty relative to lost magics (before we even factor in the fact they’ll be getting lost spells 200 points earlier as a mage, and that’s assuming spell requirements are the same for lost and base magics).

Not looking for a timestamp, but go to this doc (Vetex QnA documented) and search in site starter magic

shit how do I search things in google docs I never use this outside of school

ctrl f

Ctrl + f

If you are on mobile click the three dots top right and look for “search in site” or “find in page” option

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LOST PEE BETTER THAN ANCIENT SHIT :mask: :male_sign: :mask: :cold_face:

its just more risk more gain

well yeah, since its hard to find

compare bad quality weapon with good quality weapon
your first instinct is to get the good quality weapon
but oops, not enough levels to use it, so now you have anothing