Mage - Everything you need to know

also how tf was I overthinking, the guy I was replying to was trying to say mage doesn’t spam (which it does) like berserker and warriors (which arent in game yet)

Idk I got pinged so I randomly chose something that was over 5 words long


nvm i got the vitamens after 3 days

aha, yr’oue


Yo mama

because i want inferno and aether lightning

haha funny AA dev magics

i will abuse inferno and nobody can stop me

Me with Phoenix not giving care
Me with Shatter deleting all of your attacks / Ap.Bringer causing absoulte chaos so that you dont know what to dodge and where to attack

i’ll just use the aura thing and passively kill you

Me with Magma Resistance Aura with +2k hp:


I really hope you can’t stack bursting auras

that’d be cancer

1 aura at a time as i know.

oh thank god

but if i get 4 other people then it’ll still be cancer

Every route in this game is going to be complete ability spam from the looks of it

In my opinion, making that every rout have passive energy recharge will just make them too similar to each other. And whats the point in warrior getting a huge stam buff after awakenings if it doesnt affect abillity usage?

Its the only way to balance them. Because weapon user with food buffs are way stronger than mages.
And now, its not only balanced but also accurate to lore.
(Mana rechard [Shift] was a crutch in games. By lore magic regenerate slowly overtime, similar to tiredness of people.)