Mage - Everything you need to know

It wouldn’t be too fair if some builds had passive energy recharge while others had to charge their energy.

The stamina buff will probably be changed to energy, awakening buffs aren’t set in stone yet after all

Vitality: Health is my energy
Weapon/Strenght: My Stamina is my energy!

Mages: Mana is my energy i need to constantly recharge it… :nerd_face:

Didnt Vetex say that they all use Energy in AO, and it would passively regen once you have had your first awakening?

Wait nvm, you already know whoops

look how many guns he has

he also got a rapier

ye clearly warrior class

I’m just saying

that is because all his zero stat points are spread out into 25% for each stat, making him a savant.



It’s 15% or more actually

100/4 = 15? pog

Its true tho

In this pic specifically it’s 25% cause they each have the same amount

Y’all stop getting mad over the fact that
Mage. Is. Winning.


25% is (newsflash) more than 15%

Conjurers seem cooler tbh

Yeah shooting magic out of your hands is neat but shooting magic out of a weapon or staff? Super epic of in terms of coolness

was giving an example for why he is

what about shooting magic out of a book?