Mages need a nerf

How tf did mages still didn’t get nerf when classes like warriors or berserkers got nerfed to death? Their attack are so big i can’t even dodge them as well as their huge range, but they just keep running or air camping (+ weapons and fighting styles nerf for their mobility moves are just dumb since other classes can still do it way better).

Just how do they keep getting buff like that?

What do you mean Warrior got nerfed?

they kinda losed their weapons (even if its an accident), they got nerfed in advanced since they are litterally the one class that has no present or futur content, their are the only ones that didn’t get their own armor set.

Also the addition of the global cooldown for certains weapons skills kinda hurt the build variety, which is a thing ppl have complain quite a bit about them.

Also the fact that half the weapons in the game sucks and that the grabs skills suck a lot isn’t helping.

need more spell slots-

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they aren’t

ppl know mage is op rn and there’s planned nerfs (most prominently the atk speed scaling nerf)

I don’t think you’ve seen the warrior meta happening rn. It’s a really powerful build for the wrong reasons

  • “no present”

  • sunken staff, atlantean weapons, triasta, maria weapons:

  • “no future”

  • skill editing to make the most OP weapons possible, every single ult art and like 3/5th of weapon skills not out, artisan weapons and weapons that will be the same as ancient spell/magic/fstyle/technique scrolls:

  • “global cooldowns”

  • hell of multi TP meta back from release, chain grabs:

  • “half the weapons suck; grabs suck”

  • weapon grabs being the most reliable ones out of all grabs; dagger, spear, staff, musket, sword, katana, dual swords, bow, rapier, plunderers, dagger:


atk speed is not rly the problem…

That’s just level cap, hybrids class are gonna get their god dam weapons in times, as well as all the content planned for them. Also weapon customization is not limited to warriors

its impossible to put a grab on any person with more than 2 brain cells

it is???
i thought everyone knew this by now


i’m so confused rn what are you trying to say


I 100% agree with the title

you misunderstood what oniocream said. “it is???” means he is saying that attack speed is a problem stat

occasionally my grabs do fly through people, but it works fine 90% of the time. the only grab that sorta sucks is brutal rush

that’s not a nerf?

the next update is a MASSIVE buff for warriors and also content for them + rn warrior’s practically meta along with mage at the point that people just don’t fight them, saying that warriors are weak or got nerfed is just a false statement

grab skills do NOT suck and most weapons in the game are pretty good

na this guy is either trolling or just lives in a cave :sob:


Nerfing attack speed wouldn’t only nerf mages though it would affect other classes aswell