Mages need a nerf

warrior with guns/staff proj/throws:

Idk but I continually see zerkers get destroyed in an attacking range where they’re supposed to be strongest against mages

True, but you have to consider that’s like 10% of their arsenal. MOST weapon types DON’T have ranged capabilities. Meanwhile, mages have it with every. single. magic.
And then theres us strengthies… we got nothing :cry:

I’ve fought mages as a warlock and they get completely obliterated by Selino

i kinda go outside for school already… tho for others idk…

I think its mainly the attack often poor (i don’t mean to insult vetex ok) design that hurt zerkers and warios the most

man the hitboxes, sizes and just the way their attack are made just make it horrible to use in an actual fight…

the game was design around ranged combat and only ranged combat, so when it diverge from that it dosen’t alway render well

I think this is honestly a really lame take personally considering the fact that PvP is inevitable in AO, meta is lame but worrying about balance is justified seeing how you can literally go from max hp to dead in about 1 second currently

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Especially when it ends up having an impact on enjoyment of the games at times, idk about you but I’d rather not have literally everything stacked against me when I’m forced into a fight with a random bounty hunter trying to get 5,000 more rep to their name

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Now warrior and weapon hybrids need a nerf

warlord did 500 damage and people are doing 300+ damage i have ptsd now (and spirit blast is kinda hard to hit)

Mages have no drawbacks for being at close range, thats why