Mages need a nerf

there is no way this mf is complaining about mage being strong while playing a off meta build…

Was never meta, my build have close to 0 attack size and is mostly regen and defense

every attack that can move you forward can be considered a dash move at this point

yeah… that’s what a dash is

Screenshot 2024-04-09 9.44.27 AM

Yeah, but most grabs in this game are Dash Grabs, Spiraling Fury is simply a Dash and things like Snare are an AoE Grab, there’s also that one Mace Throw move that’s a Projectile Grab

you might wanna retract this statement soon cuz knight’s rework is basically over the horizon and chances are it’s gonna be absolutely cooking with sunken imbues

i said he is playing a off meta build you mentally challenged scoundrel
the day typo stops being stupid when vitality is mentioned, will be the day i might become a good person

but knight won’t be off meta in the extremely near future :sob:

also my mommy said you need to be nicer to me :triumph:

that doesn’t change the fact he is playing a off meta build.
and even when vitality releases, knight will probably still be behind the other vitality hybrids, stat costs for weapons make Warrior be the near only viable weapon build

actually now that I think about it, don’t spirit weapons take a slot anyways?

knight has to lose out a bit on some potential :confused:

aw well at least juggernauts and paladins stay on top

i think a notable thing to say is that artisan weapons are warrior exclusive, hybrids will not be able to use them according to the trello

Does nobody here realize the real reason mage is (and likely always will be) meta??
All the other stats are melee. FS are close-range. Weapons are (usually) close range. And spirit weapons will presumably be similar to regular weapons and thus close range.
But magic isn’t. This puts other classes at a disadvantage, because with any other class, you need to close the gap to attack them. This makes attacking them much more difficult. Meanwhile, the Mage can attack you from any distance they want without having to try and keep up with you like YOU have to for them.
Unfortunately, this is not a solvable problem. Mage’s zoning is the whole point of the class–removing it would destroy it at its core entirely.
It is unfortunate. Hopefully in the future they find some way to make getting closer to them not as difficult.

except atm they don’t even have a real downside for fighting close range since their raw dps is really high
not to mention snare and surge

Gng maybe instead of worrying about metas and what needs balancing, why don’t you go outside


Yeah, that’s true. My point still stands, though–they have range and everyone else doesn’t.

favorite build mage :nauseated_face:
supporter tier 1 :nerd:
you need to follow your own advice

i’m agreeing with ur point

I see

So you assume I don’t have a life because I support a developer who works to create a free game for us?

Bait used to be believable, and getting defensive just proves my point that you need a break from ao