Magic Discussion

ice + wave would technically be the best synergy, since:

jump em’, freeze em’, then sap their magic, seems pretty foolproof

the curse?

(meant wave magic)

why sap their magic when you could just melt them with magma
and also you cant freeze with just ice

magma might be really good too you can make barriers and melt arrows or projectiles

also magma emits heat so you can cook food with it

I would probably pick water though, just because water achieves a similar effect as a barrier and I can use it to grow my own food sources, not to mention is directly counters magma

I mean, you could accumulate a bunch of magic, and so become strong enough to beat most of the challenges

plus, with more ME (magic energy), you could make spells with ridiculously huge-ass AoE that instantly destroy shit

just eat

placed explosion

just a matter of who strikes first.

and also if I charge water I get rid of melt so haha! (I think water clears melting)

edit: no it doesn’t :moyai: that makes zero sense but okay

you give me a bath while i melt your corpse

i am surrounding you in magma you would be dead

Wave magic “causes the target’s magic energy to drain” but it might not have given you that magic energy

you make me slightly warmer while I violently blast a hole in your gut.

I am drowning you where’s the oxygen


i can hold my breath for the 0.6 seconds the water placed explosion stays

Right, but it manifests as blue waves of esoteric energy that can do that.

also if it gives me magic energy, what’s the big deal?

water zone spell :rofl:

not so hot now when I cool your superheated orange juice into dumb old rocks

sandal my brother in christ
you will not survive a magma placed explosion to the face

my point is that you might not get any magic energy based on the trello description of wave magic

right and you can’t survive a blast of pressurized water to the face

(yes i can wtf are you talking about)

ok, but:

if I can drain the other’s magic, I can reduce them to a very weak level, at which point I can one-tap them with a blast or other spell

and the desc doesn’t necessarily imply it can’t absorb magic, yknow’

this mf seriously thinks he can survive something that can cut steel nah bruh he’s dying first :sob: