Magic is bad for humanity

this depends on what you define as “better”

even durza, when putting ridiculous amounts of magic and curses into a single attack, only managed to fuck over the world for a few hundred years

people within the arcane universe practically never get close to that level

he was just trying to fight theos, not destroy the world
people still ended up recovering and moving on, rebuilding societies and inventing new shit

saying that all nuclear technology is bad because some terrorist may detonate a nuke in a city doesn’t mean all nuclear technology is fundamentally “bad”

before durza and cursebeard fucked things over again, things were actually going fairly well in the seven seas, an entire industrial revolution

even without magic humanity would still suck and kill each other anyways

Alright, so I didn’t read all the comments before making this reply, so if some of the points and things in this reply seem copied or were already discussed, forgive me.
We all know that magic is a supernatural force, and that it plays a big part in the Arcane universe. Now, is magic evil? Yes, and no. Of course, magic was abused and used for evil by plenty of people, and it is the reason so many terrible things happened, but that doesn’t make magic evil, it makes the people evil. Magic is a supernatural force capable of destruction and chaos and evil, of course, but that doesn’t make it automatically bad for humanity. The same can apply to technology. Technology is an amazing thing, but it depends on how YOU view and use it. Do you view it as humanity’s savior, or the reason for our “impending doom?” The same goes for superpowers; it depends on how you view and use them. They could be used as a force of evil, or a force for good. Power doesn’t tend to corrupt, it reveals what’s already there. A glass can only spill what it contains. If one were given power, it doesn’t matter that they do have that power, it depends on how they USE that power, and their true character can be revealed based on how they use that power. The people who have used magic to do terrible things didn’t do it because they were simply “corrupted” by it, but because they were capable of doing those things. They had magic, and therefore had power, but chose to use that power for evil, which doesn’t make magic evil, it just shows their true character and how they really are. With great power, comes great responsibility. Plus, not all who wield magic are evil. What about Theos, or the peacekeeper? They had powerful magic, but chose to use that for good, not evil. They used it for good, not evil. You state that magic can only be used to destroy and kill, but Theos and the peacekeeper did not use it to kill or destroy, they used it to protect. To do good, and to fight evil. Good people and bad people will always exist, for humans will always have opposing ideological views. (Heck, this entire post consists of people with different ideological views) Some will believe that magic is a disgusting abomination that should be erased, whilst others will believe that magic is a wonderful thing that CAN be used to do good. This goes for not just magic, but practically anything. Take guns, for example. Are guns only capable of being weapons used to kill and murder, or can they be used to protect and save? It depends on what YOU think. So, is magic merely a tool, meant to spread evil, chaos, and death, or can it be used instead as a force for good? Why can’t it be used to spread and do good? To protect and help people? Magic CAN be used for anything, but the belief magic is only evil and can be only be used to kill and spread darkness and such is not true. No, magic CAN be used to do good and what is right, it can be a force and tool for good and happiness, for life and preservation, and all that is good. It’s just that certain people choose to use magic for evil and for personal gain.

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what is with people and missing spacebar keys?

could you please space it a bit more? as it is it’s barely legible.

you having problems with your computer?

as far as I can see i spaced out every word from each other, like how sentences are actually written

I get your message but my problem is that what happens when a bunch of bad people get magic. They now have an evolving gun that goes from a pistol to an RPG to a nuke. While we have nukes in our world we don’t use them because of mutual destruction because of that but a wizard would be willing to use his full powers because if he is stronger he won’t die. Which means we now have a situation with people having nukes and knowing they can live even if war breaks out.

well, there’s still really powerful sorcerers, so they could fight against dark wizards of tremendous power

Cool story bro

For whatever reason it’s also possible to trade varying amounts of sanity for magic power meaning that if there’s a bunch of good wizards who wouldn’t wanna become like the kraken unable to distinguish right from wrong and evil wizards who may or may not care, with all else equal, the evil wizards would be more powerful on average

can someone tl;dr what chronosius said i just can’t read the wall ;-;

he just kinda said basically magic can be used for good or evil and not just evil

aight thanks

Another way of looking at it is that the nash equilibrium is where both sides are insane and everybody suffers

Why is this post always alive?
Why do you guys have no lives and type so much?

problem with the whole mutual destruction is what the fuck we’ll do if someone DOES use them?

thats not even including if a terrorist managed to get one

which also means they can defend themselves and people they like and shit

since this is a game, we see more of the “evil” shit than would realistically exist
theres only so many cases like the kraken, humanity at this point lives on islands,

if some spooky dooky “evil” super powerful wizards were everywhere,
then most societies would have been destroyed long ago


something no one seems to be mentioning is that in the war seas, entire countries exist with military power and even possessing curses sometimes

if some spooky dooky “evil” person were to show up, they’d only be able to do so much

They kinda were. The existing ones are survivors. 80% of the human population was just gone, vasti went extinct and certain previously habitable places became inhospitable to all life but that’s just a global-scale event that was mentioned because it was important. There’s probably plenty of other examples of entire societies being wiped out by magic. Heck, durza even corrupted an entire island’s wizards just to slow down his enemies and we don’t even know if they were ever returned to normal eventually. Ian’s cross was completely destroyed by torren and we only heard about it because it was part of his backstory. Magic power is very unevenly distributed. Instead of something like a bell curve we get gradually increasing strength gaps (because I’m assuming each gap is relative to the power levels before it) that continue even within the unknowns

The common people have virtually no power here. They only have to hope that these few extremely strong people will be on their side

i mean, they can still make weapons, right? (this message was typed by an alt)

that still doesn’t mean magic is bad for humanity as a whole

when durza started fucking around in the seven seas, cursebeard and theos went over to try to blow the fucker off the map

rupin started causing chaos? trigno was hunting the fucker down

Well yeah, since this is a video game the bad guys can’t win but the way I see it, rupin gave up his sanity for power, Durza was willing to commit mass destruction to defeat his opponent and gain power by taking it from wizards and curse users, innocent or otherwise. The good side fought with a lot more constraints and only came out on top because of the PK’s decisions. Like I said before, a lot of things could’ve gone wrong. If the PK had wanted to be evil nothing would’ve stopped them. Even with the PK and friends beating durza, it would still just be better for neither of them to have existed because their fight still destroyed large parts of the world and set technology back so far it couldn’t get to the same point over 1000 years

cough arcane government

humans and society recover, rebuild, and reinvent new shit

sure some asteroid wiped out all the dinosaurs or whatever, doesn’t mean all space rocks regardless of size are evil

sure nukes were dropped on japan, doesn’t mean all nuclear technology is bad

sure some mustache guy can go to war, doesn’t mean all of mustache guy’s country is evil

even if a bunch of people die at some point, so what? won’t mean anything in the end

how about on the flip side;

  • healing magic exists
  • curse users could supply large quantities of material (like the metal curse)
  • wizards could live longer and thus contribute to society for very long periods of time
  • excellent security
  • most wizards are weak enough to be killed with guns and shit
  • arcanium could potentially be used in more advanced technology
  • wizards that can fly or hover or sense people could be used in search and rescue
  • on any major organizational level, criminals abusing magic would get hunted down
  • wizards can make shields, potentially saving other people in the event of some bad shit happening

a modern society paired with magic could easily be better than what we got rn